Sunday, February 17, 2008

vocals and those that have not been called to the chemistry vocation

Well, today I spent a unquantifiable amount of time singing. I'm taking voice lessons at school, and I hadn't really practiced yet this week so I had to spend a lot of time today singing the silly little exercises and this one song that has the strangest words. Apparently, according to my sister, the person that wrote the words is this poet from the 1800s that writes poetry that no normal person can comprehend, and I guess that includes me (I have never done well with poetry, especially limericks, I can't seem to rhyme to save my life) (Yes I mean that if someone held a gun to my head and told me to come up with a rhyme I would most likely not make one up in time) (Now if you wanted a chemistry fact I'm your person) (Sorry, once again I have added one to many parentheses). I digress, so I spent a very long while singing, and then working on math homework (calc. II homework can take some time to complete).

Tomorrow I have chem lab. In college chemistry you work with a lot of rather dangerous substances/equipment, I am not really bothered by this I have done lots of lab stuff before and I know how to handle my self in a lab, it is the other people that concern me. Last semester there were some people in my class that I was always trying not to end up partnered with. They were the people that would say things like "I'm really good at spilling things on people so why don't you go get the acid"; I'm sure you can understand why those types didn't exactly endear them selves to me. I have a motto when driving "be careful or be dead, your choice" that same thing can be applied to chem lab (with some adaptions) so my motto for chem lab is this "be careful or end up scarred for life/in a chemical shower/with holes in your clothes/poisoned/sick/on fire/dead, your choice". I am hopeful that the students that did not prescribe to my motto have dropped the class.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Did I remember to do my pre-lab?

Amendment 2: electrolyte- how much an ionic substance separates in a solution, so that it can conduct an electric current.

Amendment 3: so now you know why sports drinks are high in electrolytes.

1 comment:

Maddy said...

"that no normal person can comprehend"? I so never said that, all I said was that William Blake has some very unquie poems that are confusing. Thats it. He also has writen some beautiful poetry.