Well, I'm mostly posting again simply because I want to out-post my darling sister.
For those of you that are keeping track of the things that you can no longer take on planes in your carry-on luggage there is one more thing to add: snowglobes. I'm still not sure why I can take my 3.4 ounce bottle of shampo, but I cannot take small glitter globe that has about 2 ounces of water in it. I collect snowglobes and I actually had to have the one I got in Disneyland shipped home (we didn't check any luggage to save time). But today I received my beautiful little globe and once again all is right in the world. Not that you can't be happy if you don't have a small glitter globe with mouse ears on it, but to me snowglobes always make the day seem brighter and a little more glittery.
I know that I have said a number of times not to trust Jack Sparrow with your hat. When we were on Tom Saywer's Island Cap't Jack made an appearence and tried (and succeeded in some cases) to make off with numerous hats of various styles, sizes, and states of cleanliness. So has I have repeated to you on many occasions "Never Trust Jack Sparrow with your hat" it seems he has yet to locate one to his liking.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: I won't put you through more chem facts as I already posted one today.
Amendment 2: I believe I have out-posted my sister for today.
Amendment 3: Life is always better with snowglobes.
Amendment 4: As I have stated before, spelling is not one of my strong traits, so I apologize for all the mistakes I have all ready made and will make in the future.
I’m Free!
13 years ago
Why are all the good dachshunds taken?
You may have out posted me for now, but it's not over yet... *cue dramatic music*
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