Saturday, February 16, 2008

Curses and Cackles

Well, I wasn't planning on blogging again tonight, but after what I spent my last hour doing I feel I must. You see I just spent the last hour playing Curses. I know that some of you have played this game with me before, but for those of you that don't know, Curses is game where you basically have all these randoms things you have to do while performing tasks like shouting out the name of a lunch meat when ever some one says the name of an animal. Now imagine having to do that and speak like Scooby Doo all while trying to tell your friends who has the best earlobes. Let my say now that this game can get really wild and fast. So it is not a game to play when you are tired, have a sore throat, or generally want to be unsociable.

The highlights of this game were hearing my sister echo everything she said, having my mom do bunny ears while trying to Karate-chop an invisible person, and watching my mom act out what she would do if she was attacked by a raccoon. Oh, and getting many priceless pictures of the action (some of which will be great for my sister's graduation slide-show).

The one caution with Curses is you have to play it with the right group, everyone really has to be willing to get out there and do some great improv. or the game just isn't fun. For that reason my family has instituted a rule that says if you get a Curse you absolutly don't want you don't have to do it. That rule has saved us from one to many combinations of Irish and French accents (No one yet has figured out how to do that). The best challenge card (in my opinion), having to give a hampster CPR, or maybe demonstrating on someone how to take out an appendix (no hampsters or sisters were harmed in the playing of this game). But when you are grabbing cards away from someone or acting like you have just fainted do to the ringing of the bell, there is no other game you would rather be playing than Curses.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Did that last sentence seem a little like a commercial?

Amendment 2: Knowing how to give a hampster CPR is something I consider a life skill.

Amendment 3: This is the second post in a row that has a "C" title.

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