Friday, February 22, 2008

college stuff, and that's about it

Nothing very interesting happened today. I went to school, I came home did some homework, watched Atlantis (well, I guess this was interesting, but not by your standards I'm sure), worked on some more homework, and worked on three essays for my last college application.

I find college applications very frustrating. You have to write down all this information (that takes forever) and then you have to write 1-3 essays that are some how supposed to show who you really are, and what you life goals are. Most of the time I write for fun (as I'm sure you have all guessed by now) so writing some biographical 500 word essay is not my cup of tea (tea really sounds good right now). So you basically go through this whole long process that you hope makes you look like a good student/person, only to realize after you have summited it that you left out some really important part of your life that would really make you stick out to the admission people at (Insert college name). College interviews are also fun. They always try really hard to make it seem like you are just having a conversation, but the not so sutle glances down at their list of stock questions is usually so distracting that you can't properly focus. Though I have gotten very good at reading upside down (This is something you may want to practice before you go to your interview).

I got to talk to a prospective student at school yesterday. I felt really sorry for her as she was left in a class that isn't very prospective student friendly. She kept getting up to go to the restroom, and when she did the professor would come over and ask me and this other girl if we had already scared her off. I really hope I didn't. I tried to give her some good information with out sugar-coating the school to much. I know from personal experience how uncomfortable being pawned off on different people can be, when all you are trying to do is figure out if this is the right school for you.

Well, now that you all have my excellent college advice you should be all set to go and check things out for your self, and if you didn't want to know any of this, sorry, but I did tell you in the title that this blog was only about college stuff. (That was one long sentence)


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Physicists and chemists tend to see things in opposite ways. One will add a + sign to an equation while the other has a - sign. (Yes that was about all I learned in chemistry today)

Amendment 2: Silly physicists. Why use a minus sign if you don't need one.
Amendment 3: If it is green and wiggly, it is biology. If it stinks, it is chemistry. If it doesn't work, if is physics.

Amendment 4: Who really likes green and wiggly things, and like I said before, silly physicists.

Amendment 5: I thing I will go get a cup of tea.

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