Well, I had a whirl-wind day. It was one of those that I look back on and have to over whelming drive to say "What?" (as I'm sure you all have noticed is my favorite saying). I went to class and was on my way to another, when I realized that I didn't have chemistry class today, but I did need to be at my voice lesson (like I said, one of those days). Then I thought I was going crazy when my tutoring student showed up a half hour early (at some point I most likely told her the wrong time). So one again, I did a double take and tried to get my mind off of calculus and on to Algrebra 1. (big differences in those two math topics)
You know, I just realized that my desk is a mess. I have lots of random things on it, plus a whole lot a homework that is either already done and so old that I really should throw it way, or is so pressing that I should be doing it right now instead of blogging.
Sorry, but once again this is going to be short blog because I need to get some sleep. I have my first calc. exam in the morning. And I don't want to be tired for that, because we all know that calc. is way to much fun. (And I mean that in all seriousness, calc. really is fun)
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: I'm still waiting for responses about the street light thing.
Amendment 2: Memorizing my school schedule would be a good idea.
Amendment 3: mm Hg is a measure of pressure. There are 760 mm Hg in 1 atmosphere.
Amendment 4: Brownies with cinnamon in them are very tasty.
I’m Free!
13 years ago
Street lights always go out for me. But I'm "special" that way.
I've never really noticed...now I'm always going to be watching!!! Which I really shouldn't be doing considering I'll be driving and observing a street lamp all at the same time...
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