Saturday, February 16, 2008

cars and consternations

Today, I got my first experience with things going wrong on my car. It went something like this.

I didn't have a chance to pick up something at school yesterday so I started (and I stress, started) to go get it this afternoon. I got all the way down my drive way when I started hearing this weird sound. So I turned the radio off, and slowed down. I was about to call my dad about the funny noise (because I am completely helpless when it comes to cars), when my very nice neighbor flagged me down and told me my tire was flat. Now here is something you may not know. Not only does a flat tire make ominous sounds when you drive on it but it also hampers your ability to back up accurately. So after an amount of time that seemed eternal and making a complete fool of myself infront of my very nice and helpful neighbor, I finally made it back into my driveway, where I promptly called my father.

Fast forward two hours and I was sitting at the auto shop waiting for them to pull the screw (that was what was causing the leak) out, and patch my tire. I waited for about an hour and then was able to complete the original reason for taking my car some where in the first place. I FINALLY made it to school. While I very much like driving my car, I found out today that my liking is dependent on my car functioning the way it is supposed to. So I have changed the definition of liking driving my car a little, it now reads: I like driving my car when it is running, does not have a flat tire, no erroneous sounds, and is generally in good working order. (That sounds like it covers just about everything, at least I hope it does.) Driving is very complicated.

Other then the slight car hitch, my day was excellent. And the evening was even better. Because we were gone last week we missed Atlantis, and then last night we were at the concert, so basically we had two episodes to watch today. So right now I no longer feel sad, annoyed, or in a state of stargate deprivation, which has been my constant companion for the past two weeks. (Yes, I realize I am a complete stargate nerd/geek; I will make you into one yet).

In my sleepless state last night I forgot to tell you an intersting chemistry fact so here is a double dose for today.

The strong acids are acids that will easily give up a proton and in most cases more than one proton. They are HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, HClO4, and H2SO4 (but only for the first proton). So if you are doing a reaction with two possible acids say HCl and H2O (and yes, water can be an acid (but it can also be a base, by accepting a proton to make H3O) ) then HCl will become Cl ions and H2O will become hydronium. (that should make up for yesterday and count for today, don't you think?)


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Chemistry rocks!

Amendment 2: Don't you all wish you were taking chemistry?

Amendment 3: Someone should really invent tires that cannot go flat. I would buy those.

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