Sunday, February 24, 2008

musical chickens (not what you think)

Well, (you know, I just realized that I start most of my blogs with "well", Oh well) I went to church today (as I usually do on Sundays) and I am still amazed that our music set went as well as it did. Some days practicing before church goes great. We do all the songs in order. We fly through them. Nobody breaks a string. My keyboard works like it is supposed to. But today was not one of those days. Don't get me wrong it was a great service the practice just didn't go that well. For starters, once again my keyboard is causing problems with the sound system, mostly it gives off this fuzy interference kind of sound, but today the amp was so bad that they had to put me directly into the mix without going through the amp. Now, for you non musical types (or non band music types) this means that I have no way to hear myself, which happens to be something that musicians really prefer to be able to do. Then someone broke a string and so we ended up practicing the music in this order: middle set (only first part), first set, last half of middle set, and then the end except for a song that started the end set, we did that last. Now, I'm sure you are surprised as I am that after all of that we still managed to pull of a decent sounding service. But I guess that just shows how much God must like hanging out with us on Sunday mornings, He made even todays sets sound great!

For those of you that had no idea what I was talking about with all the music stuff, sorry about that, but here is a paragraph for you:

Now there are lots of things I worry about: where will I go to school next year, will I have a clean pair of pants in the morning, did I do my math homework right, when my sister said she was going to kill me did she really mean it. Those types of things. But now I have a new worry: Will I get the chickenpox. I had the vaccine when I was about six, but now they (they meaning the CDC) recomend that everyone get two doses for actual immunity. I have only had one dose and I was exposed last Sunday. Now the person that has it is my friend and I feel really bad for her, because who wants the chickenpox in your senoir year (or at any point in your life), and she couldn't have known that she had it, but still I really really hope I don't come down with the chickenpox in the next 14 days. And yes, I looked up the incubation period and it happens to be up to 21 days. So I have 2 weeks of worry left to get through. I also hope that my pastor didn't give me the flu.

Ok, so sorry about this post. It seems that you will really only get it if you understand musical band talk or medical stuff, and what I am about to tell you won't make it any better. Time for another Chemistry fact.

A state function is something that only looks at the beginning and the end result. ie. the total energy change.
A path function is something that looks at the way you got to the end.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I sent in my last college application today. I'm finally done! Until med school.

Amendment 2: I really want an amp. that works correctly (or a keyboard that does, I not sure which one is causing the problem)

Amendment 3: Tea is best with milk and sugar.

Amendment 4: Never drive with a flat tire (just thought I should remind you).


dachsybreath said...

Ok, I really don't get what this post has to do with chickens. I mean it certainly can't be the reference to chickenpox because we all know that chickenpox is not a disease of chickens. So I would like to lodge a formal complaint on behalf of all chicken lovers that were really looking forward to a great chicken blog. WE WANT SOME CHICKENS

dachsybreath said...

And another thing. I would just like to know how you know that a particular street light goes back on as soon as you leave.......if you've left? So that's it for my brilliant insights for the day. I'm sorry I was a little's just those darn chickens.