Friday, February 29, 2008

chickens (for real this time), explanations, and apologies

Well, I'm back from my two day chemistry exam cram. And I'm happy to report that my exam went well (I hope) but you can never really know for sure until you get it back covered in red marks. And yes, I have a professor that still uses a red pen, and even when you get a good grade your test is still marked with small red checks, comments, and general signs that you didn't understand things as well as you originally thought. But now all that is past me (for three weeks at least) and so I am back to my normal blogging habits.

Before I write something uniquely random there are a few, shall we say house keeping items to attend to. The first of which is this, it seems I need to clarify what I meant when I said that street lights come back on when I leave. What I should have said was that street lights come back on once I have past them. So I am still able to observe them in my rear view mirror. One word of caution, if you are not used to watching street lights when driving, don't change your practices just for me. And no, crashing into the street light and making it go out does not count as the light going off in the manner I have described to you. So keep your eagle eyes on the road.

The second is an apology to those of you that were all excited for a chicken blog, I realize that only mentioning chickenpox was a bit of a let down so I have decided to remedy that by telling you my family's favorite chicken story.

Last year when my mom would drive my sister and I to school every day we would drive though a lot of farm country. One day on the way to school my mother commented on the chickens we had just past. Now I hadn't been looking out the window and so hadn't seen them, this continued for a few days, until finally my sister and I remembered to look for mom's chickens, but not wanting to let her off so easily we would pretend we couldn't see them. Now this may seem overly cruel and usual punishment, but we both really thought that my mom would catch on and realize we were only teasing. Not so. At the hight of our chicken period we had my mom almost believing that she was actually seeing imaginary chickens. She became very defensive about this and started to see chickens everywhere. The list of things by the side of the road she has mistaken for a chicke became increasingly long. However, this facade did come to end when my sister and I decided that we had put my mom though enough psychological suffering. (Now, I'm sure that the person that asked for the chicken story is wishing they hadn't)

Well, I hope that this is a long enough blog to make up for my chemistry haze of the last view days. Stargate Atlantis is on tonight, and we finally get to see if Dr. Beckett is a replicator, human clone, or some other dubious recreation of the character we all know and love (Well, I know and love).


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: No chemistry fact today. I think I will take a break from chemistry until tomorrow.

Amendment 2: Did you see that chicken?

Amendment 3: No, seriously did you see that chicken?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

random things and scheduled mishaps

Well, I had a whirl-wind day. It was one of those that I look back on and have to over whelming drive to say "What?" (as I'm sure you all have noticed is my favorite saying). I went to class and was on my way to another, when I realized that I didn't have chemistry class today, but I did need to be at my voice lesson (like I said, one of those days). Then I thought I was going crazy when my tutoring student showed up a half hour early (at some point I most likely told her the wrong time). So one again, I did a double take and tried to get my mind off of calculus and on to Algrebra 1. (big differences in those two math topics)

You know, I just realized that my desk is a mess. I have lots of random things on it, plus a whole lot a homework that is either already done and so old that I really should throw it way, or is so pressing that I should be doing it right now instead of blogging.

Sorry, but once again this is going to be short blog because I need to get some sleep. I have my first calc. exam in the morning. And I don't want to be tired for that, because we all know that calc. is way to much fun. (And I mean that in all seriousness, calc. really is fun)


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I'm still waiting for responses about the street light thing.

Amendment 2: Memorizing my school schedule would be a good idea.

Amendment 3: mm Hg is a measure of pressure. There are 760 mm Hg in 1 atmosphere.

Amendment 4: Brownies with cinnamon in them are very tasty.

Monday, February 25, 2008

street lamps, schedules, and sleep (I need some)

I'm going to try and make this a quick blog tonight. I really have to get to bed. I just spent 2+ hours working on my lab report. I had to run the equations 3 times. 87% error is not looked at kindly in the scientific community.

Tomorrow I have a very busy day. I'm going to school, having a voice lesson, tutoring, and then seeing a friend that lives in another state (no I'm not going to another state, she is visiting). Some where in there I need to find some time to do some homework as I have my first exam on Wednesday and then another on friday.

Has anyone besides me ever noticed that street lights tend to go out when they drive past. My mom and I both experience this very regularly, and I was wondering if it was just my magnetic personality or just a product of pure chance. There is one particular light that goes out when ever I drive past, and then as soon as I am gone it goes on again. Is this a random act of nature or something more sinister? Philosophically, I'm not sure that I like the idea that I turn off the inner glow of things. But scientifically, I think that being able to turn off street lights with my mere presence is very exciting. Now if I could just learn to control it, that would have made the eclipse much easier to see last week.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: No chem fact tonight. I think I have had enough for tonight.

Amendment 2: Look out for street lights that seem to gravitate towards you.

Amendment 3: Ingnore that last amendment. I really need some sleep.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

musical chickens (not what you think)

Well, (you know, I just realized that I start most of my blogs with "well", Oh well) I went to church today (as I usually do on Sundays) and I am still amazed that our music set went as well as it did. Some days practicing before church goes great. We do all the songs in order. We fly through them. Nobody breaks a string. My keyboard works like it is supposed to. But today was not one of those days. Don't get me wrong it was a great service the practice just didn't go that well. For starters, once again my keyboard is causing problems with the sound system, mostly it gives off this fuzy interference kind of sound, but today the amp was so bad that they had to put me directly into the mix without going through the amp. Now, for you non musical types (or non band music types) this means that I have no way to hear myself, which happens to be something that musicians really prefer to be able to do. Then someone broke a string and so we ended up practicing the music in this order: middle set (only first part), first set, last half of middle set, and then the end except for a song that started the end set, we did that last. Now, I'm sure you are surprised as I am that after all of that we still managed to pull of a decent sounding service. But I guess that just shows how much God must like hanging out with us on Sunday mornings, He made even todays sets sound great!

For those of you that had no idea what I was talking about with all the music stuff, sorry about that, but here is a paragraph for you:

Now there are lots of things I worry about: where will I go to school next year, will I have a clean pair of pants in the morning, did I do my math homework right, when my sister said she was going to kill me did she really mean it. Those types of things. But now I have a new worry: Will I get the chickenpox. I had the vaccine when I was about six, but now they (they meaning the CDC) recomend that everyone get two doses for actual immunity. I have only had one dose and I was exposed last Sunday. Now the person that has it is my friend and I feel really bad for her, because who wants the chickenpox in your senoir year (or at any point in your life), and she couldn't have known that she had it, but still I really really hope I don't come down with the chickenpox in the next 14 days. And yes, I looked up the incubation period and it happens to be up to 21 days. So I have 2 weeks of worry left to get through. I also hope that my pastor didn't give me the flu.

Ok, so sorry about this post. It seems that you will really only get it if you understand musical band talk or medical stuff, and what I am about to tell you won't make it any better. Time for another Chemistry fact.

A state function is something that only looks at the beginning and the end result. ie. the total energy change.
A path function is something that looks at the way you got to the end.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I sent in my last college application today. I'm finally done! Until med school.

Amendment 2: I really want an amp. that works correctly (or a keyboard that does, I not sure which one is causing the problem)

Amendment 3: Tea is best with milk and sugar.

Amendment 4: Never drive with a flat tire (just thought I should remind you).

Friday, February 22, 2008

college stuff, and that's about it

Nothing very interesting happened today. I went to school, I came home did some homework, watched Atlantis (well, I guess this was interesting, but not by your standards I'm sure), worked on some more homework, and worked on three essays for my last college application.

I find college applications very frustrating. You have to write down all this information (that takes forever) and then you have to write 1-3 essays that are some how supposed to show who you really are, and what you life goals are. Most of the time I write for fun (as I'm sure you have all guessed by now) so writing some biographical 500 word essay is not my cup of tea (tea really sounds good right now). So you basically go through this whole long process that you hope makes you look like a good student/person, only to realize after you have summited it that you left out some really important part of your life that would really make you stick out to the admission people at (Insert college name). College interviews are also fun. They always try really hard to make it seem like you are just having a conversation, but the not so sutle glances down at their list of stock questions is usually so distracting that you can't properly focus. Though I have gotten very good at reading upside down (This is something you may want to practice before you go to your interview).

I got to talk to a prospective student at school yesterday. I felt really sorry for her as she was left in a class that isn't very prospective student friendly. She kept getting up to go to the restroom, and when she did the professor would come over and ask me and this other girl if we had already scared her off. I really hope I didn't. I tried to give her some good information with out sugar-coating the school to much. I know from personal experience how uncomfortable being pawned off on different people can be, when all you are trying to do is figure out if this is the right school for you.

Well, now that you all have my excellent college advice you should be all set to go and check things out for your self, and if you didn't want to know any of this, sorry, but I did tell you in the title that this blog was only about college stuff. (That was one long sentence)


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Physicists and chemists tend to see things in opposite ways. One will add a + sign to an equation while the other has a - sign. (Yes that was about all I learned in chemistry today)

Amendment 2: Silly physicists. Why use a minus sign if you don't need one.
Amendment 3: If it is green and wiggly, it is biology. If it stinks, it is chemistry. If it doesn't work, if is physics.

Amendment 4: Who really likes green and wiggly things, and like I said before, silly physicists.

Amendment 5: I thing I will go get a cup of tea.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

observations and obstinacy

Well, today I got nearly no homework done. I went shopping with my mom and sister, and then tutored for a while, and so all I really got done was math. However, I did have some, shall we say interesting, observations while shopping. So here goes.

If you have to change the way you walk to keep your pants us, it is time to buy a belt. Now, I'm sure that you all know that, yet there seems to be a large population of people (mainly teenage boys) that have not received that particular message.

If it looks like mental hospital, and says "Mental Hospital" on the front, it is likely a mental hospital. Not that I have experienced this first hand, but driving past one my mom commented that they really did look like they portrade them in the movies from the outside.

Never take my sister to a mall and assume that it will be a quick trip. Even just looking at shoes can take a very long time, and when she actually need to buy something, that takes even longer.

Olive Garden Lunches can be split between two people for two meals. Seriously, my mom and I shared one thing that came with a salad and we each only ate about half of our already halved portions. We then finished it up for dinner.

Life is simpler if you don't listen to a CD in the car. My sister and I always end up disagreeing about what CD to listen to. So some times we end up listening to nothing, but today we just argued about.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Basic math is very important for chemistry, messing up can drastically change your result. Ask me how I know.

Amendment 2: Life is better when it is Friday.

Amendmnet 3: Mouse Ears help as well.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

miles of madness

I am very sorry that I didn't blog yesterday. I can just picture some poor person all excited to read my daily blog only to get online and find out that I had mysteriously disapeared for the day (but maybe I am going a little overboard with the importance you actually place on my blog). My only excuse: I was spending time with three of the greatest people in the world, that just happen to be three of my favorite people in the world. (If you weren't there, I'm sorry, and maybe I don't like you as much as you think I do. (I'm just kidding, I love you all, but my house is only so big)). But rest assured I am back, and with a blog once again filled with nothing of real importance or practical value.

I was reading my psych textbook a few minutes ago, and I ran across a very interesting type of brain damage. It happens when your corbus callosum is severed. Just from that last sentence it sound disturbing, but wait, it gets better. Basically your corbus callosum is what ties your right and left brains together, so when it it severed it causes some very unusual side effects. For example: if you touch something with one hand, one of two things will happen, either you will not be able to verbally describe it or even remember it, or you can feel it. When asked to point out the object that you just touched someone would say "I have no idea", but correctly point to it with their left hand. This really gives new meaning to not letting you left hand know what the right is doing.

Today I discovered a revolutionary piece of technology that was the highlight of my swim. It is this thing you stick your swim suit in and then it get all of the water out in about 5-10 seconds, this is so nice because that means I'm not carrying around a piece to soaking wet material around campus. It looks like a miniature washer, but perfectly sized for a bathing suit. (Can you tell that I am enamored?). But anyway this was a really cool discovery for me, because now my swim suit will not be cool, but dry. (Ok, so that last paragraph really didn't relate to anything , but that is what I promised you was it not?)


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Does anyone know what the word "parsimonious" means?

Amendemnt 2: Yes, I'm going to tell you because I know what it means. Why else would I have asked you?

Amendment 3: Frugal.

Amendment 4: Always balance an oxidation/reduction reaction first in an aqueous acid solution, then (if neccessary) change to a basic solution, by adding OH- ions to the H+ ions (be sure to add them on both sides of the equation), so that the hydrogen because water.

Amendment 4: I'm having lots of fun in math with partial fraction decompositions. (But don't we all)

Monday, February 18, 2008

clear up, times up, and your shows up.

Apparently there has been some troubled feelings over my comment about no normal person understanding William Blake's poetry (but mostly from my sister) So let my explain my reasoning: I don't understand William Blake's poetry, my sister doesn't understand William Blake's poetry, therefore no normal person understands William Blake's poetry (because we are so normal). Now is you happen to understand William Blake's poetry that just makes you extra special, so don't feel bad, or think that I will shun you just because you do understand William Blake poetry. (However, if you don't, just remember that you are in good company, after all you really can't beat hanging out with my sister and I).

Now that I have taken care of that little side note. I came home from school today (for the first time) and promptly lay down on the couch for around two hours. I didn't even make it up-stairs. But those two hours were really fun because I was watching a TV show called Firefly. It only ran for fourteen episodes and then was made into a movie, but it was actually very good. So I'm afraid that I may have gotten hooked on another SciFi show (the good thing is that there are only fourteen episodes so I won't always be telling you all about it) (And I'm not the only one, my sister and my mom liked it as well). It has the doctor from Stargate Atlantis in it, and as my sister would say "I love Jewel Straite". But after that I had to get up and go to lab class, where I ended up being let out one hour early, again. I adore short lab experiments!

This evening I played twenty questions with my family. Now this may seem like an odd game to play with your family, but actually it works very well for us. We all love trying to out-do the others and so the competition can become fierce. I was able to stump everyone with... I won't tell you because I my one day be in the car with you and want to play twenty questions and stump you to. One of the down sides to playing this game with my family is that we can get a little riled-up. My sister and I don't always see eye to eye on how to approach things to the point of clashing. But still I love teasing her, and I think that she likes being teased because that gives her an excuse for hitting me again (I knew that movie was not good for you).


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Beware the uncareful lab partner!

Amendment 2: Is "uncareful" a word?

Amendment 3: My dictionary says it is not.

Amendment 3: Amendment 1 rewritten: Beware the lab partner who is not careful.

Amendment 4: Assigning oxidation states: just chemical book-keeping.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

vocals and those that have not been called to the chemistry vocation

Well, today I spent a unquantifiable amount of time singing. I'm taking voice lessons at school, and I hadn't really practiced yet this week so I had to spend a lot of time today singing the silly little exercises and this one song that has the strangest words. Apparently, according to my sister, the person that wrote the words is this poet from the 1800s that writes poetry that no normal person can comprehend, and I guess that includes me (I have never done well with poetry, especially limericks, I can't seem to rhyme to save my life) (Yes I mean that if someone held a gun to my head and told me to come up with a rhyme I would most likely not make one up in time) (Now if you wanted a chemistry fact I'm your person) (Sorry, once again I have added one to many parentheses). I digress, so I spent a very long while singing, and then working on math homework (calc. II homework can take some time to complete).

Tomorrow I have chem lab. In college chemistry you work with a lot of rather dangerous substances/equipment, I am not really bothered by this I have done lots of lab stuff before and I know how to handle my self in a lab, it is the other people that concern me. Last semester there were some people in my class that I was always trying not to end up partnered with. They were the people that would say things like "I'm really good at spilling things on people so why don't you go get the acid"; I'm sure you can understand why those types didn't exactly endear them selves to me. I have a motto when driving "be careful or be dead, your choice" that same thing can be applied to chem lab (with some adaptions) so my motto for chem lab is this "be careful or end up scarred for life/in a chemical shower/with holes in your clothes/poisoned/sick/on fire/dead, your choice". I am hopeful that the students that did not prescribe to my motto have dropped the class.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Did I remember to do my pre-lab?

Amendment 2: electrolyte- how much an ionic substance separates in a solution, so that it can conduct an electric current.

Amendment 3: so now you know why sports drinks are high in electrolytes.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Curses and Cackles

Well, I wasn't planning on blogging again tonight, but after what I spent my last hour doing I feel I must. You see I just spent the last hour playing Curses. I know that some of you have played this game with me before, but for those of you that don't know, Curses is game where you basically have all these randoms things you have to do while performing tasks like shouting out the name of a lunch meat when ever some one says the name of an animal. Now imagine having to do that and speak like Scooby Doo all while trying to tell your friends who has the best earlobes. Let my say now that this game can get really wild and fast. So it is not a game to play when you are tired, have a sore throat, or generally want to be unsociable.

The highlights of this game were hearing my sister echo everything she said, having my mom do bunny ears while trying to Karate-chop an invisible person, and watching my mom act out what she would do if she was attacked by a raccoon. Oh, and getting many priceless pictures of the action (some of which will be great for my sister's graduation slide-show).

The one caution with Curses is you have to play it with the right group, everyone really has to be willing to get out there and do some great improv. or the game just isn't fun. For that reason my family has instituted a rule that says if you get a Curse you absolutly don't want you don't have to do it. That rule has saved us from one to many combinations of Irish and French accents (No one yet has figured out how to do that). The best challenge card (in my opinion), having to give a hampster CPR, or maybe demonstrating on someone how to take out an appendix (no hampsters or sisters were harmed in the playing of this game). But when you are grabbing cards away from someone or acting like you have just fainted do to the ringing of the bell, there is no other game you would rather be playing than Curses.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Did that last sentence seem a little like a commercial?

Amendment 2: Knowing how to give a hampster CPR is something I consider a life skill.

Amendment 3: This is the second post in a row that has a "C" title.

cars and consternations

Today, I got my first experience with things going wrong on my car. It went something like this.

I didn't have a chance to pick up something at school yesterday so I started (and I stress, started) to go get it this afternoon. I got all the way down my drive way when I started hearing this weird sound. So I turned the radio off, and slowed down. I was about to call my dad about the funny noise (because I am completely helpless when it comes to cars), when my very nice neighbor flagged me down and told me my tire was flat. Now here is something you may not know. Not only does a flat tire make ominous sounds when you drive on it but it also hampers your ability to back up accurately. So after an amount of time that seemed eternal and making a complete fool of myself infront of my very nice and helpful neighbor, I finally made it back into my driveway, where I promptly called my father.

Fast forward two hours and I was sitting at the auto shop waiting for them to pull the screw (that was what was causing the leak) out, and patch my tire. I waited for about an hour and then was able to complete the original reason for taking my car some where in the first place. I FINALLY made it to school. While I very much like driving my car, I found out today that my liking is dependent on my car functioning the way it is supposed to. So I have changed the definition of liking driving my car a little, it now reads: I like driving my car when it is running, does not have a flat tire, no erroneous sounds, and is generally in good working order. (That sounds like it covers just about everything, at least I hope it does.) Driving is very complicated.

Other then the slight car hitch, my day was excellent. And the evening was even better. Because we were gone last week we missed Atlantis, and then last night we were at the concert, so basically we had two episodes to watch today. So right now I no longer feel sad, annoyed, or in a state of stargate deprivation, which has been my constant companion for the past two weeks. (Yes, I realize I am a complete stargate nerd/geek; I will make you into one yet).

In my sleepless state last night I forgot to tell you an intersting chemistry fact so here is a double dose for today.

The strong acids are acids that will easily give up a proton and in most cases more than one proton. They are HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, HClO4, and H2SO4 (but only for the first proton). So if you are doing a reaction with two possible acids say HCl and H2O (and yes, water can be an acid (but it can also be a base, by accepting a proton to make H3O) ) then HCl will become Cl ions and H2O will become hydronium. (that should make up for yesterday and count for today, don't you think?)


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Chemistry rocks!

Amendment 2: Don't you all wish you were taking chemistry?

Amendment 3: Someone should really invent tires that cannot go flat. I would buy those.

Friday, February 15, 2008

concerts, camp, west, and mac

I just got back from a Jeremy Camp/Matthew West/ Toby Mac concert. I mostly wanted to go because two of those artists fall in my top five list of favorites, but the other, not so much. So when one artist was playing I had lots of time for reflection, thought, and theories. Here is what I came up with (Keep in mind that all of these things came to me at a rock concert):

1. I am very glad that I am not epileptic.
2. I hope the woman infront of me was not sneezing because she had TB.
3. I am very pleased to announce that there is no such thing as collective effervesence (I am of course being sarcastic)
4. During some songs I wished that I was standing in the one part of the room where the descructive interference meant there was no sound.
5. Life is always better with earplugs.
6. I was very glad I was not standing up front as both Jeremy Camp and Toby Mac were ill, and I don't want their germs.
7. Praise the Lord for sound foundations and their builders.
8. I never want to be in a very crowded room when suddenly everyone needs to evacuate, and everyone means 500+ people.
9. While bass is a very useful instrument, there comes a point when it has been turned up so loud that even your internal organs are pulsing.
10. Yes, deafness is permanent. Your ears are a terrible thing to waste.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Mothers are not cut out for rock concerts.

Amendment 2: Neither am I.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

pirates, clutter, and procrastination

Shhh. Don't tell my sister that I am posting again. I am trying to out-post her with out her knowing, so I have something to laugh at behind her back. (Though laughing at someone infront of their back is so much more fun).
Even though it is still Valentine's Day I won't post again in pink, mostly because it didn't show up very well.

In my new room, I have the cluttered look going. And let me tell you, I have the ability to pull off cluttered in a very sophisticated manner. Seated next to my computer is a number of things that would make a very bizarre bazaar look good. Next to my happy little glitterglobe with mouse ears is a dastardly looking doxie figurine dressed in full pirate garb, including cutlass, and blunderbuss (Yes, that is a word, google it). Next to that is a medal from the D-Day Museum that my grandfather gave me. And then a pile of text books/notes/random papers that have to do with school. (Sorry, that was not a complete sentence, just mentally add a verb, would you?) Then there are numerous items that are too random and strange to describe to their full potential, (a mug, a dog (not alive), a lamp that looks like it was attacked by a baseball team with a glue-gun fetish, and a picture drawn for me by one of my best friends (I love little fish, Rachel) (I seem to have, once agian, gone a bit over-board with the parentheses) (But what do I care)) but those you will really just have to see for your selves.

Right now I should be doing homework. It seems that there is always one night a week that I end up procrastinating the evening away with limited (or no) homework passing my port. Though all my books are actually in my room, but I believe you get my drift.


Your Literary Junkophile

Amendment 1: Sweethearts should not be left by computers.

Amendment 2: I'm still tasting chalk.

Amendment 3: Tommy was a chemist not a chemistry, just thought I would clear that up.

Amendment 4: Textbooks are way to expensive. I spent $120 dollars on 1 softcover book. (I knew I shouldn't have taken psych)

Amendment 5: I really like nautical expressions. See how many you can find. I used a lot. Shiver me timbers!

Hearts, and Sweethearts

As I'm sure you have all noticed, today is Valentine's Day. For my family this day usually means a few cards are given, and some candy may change hands, but mostly it is day like all others. The one tradition (I'm sure many of you share) my family has is that my sister and I are always given a box of Sweethearts. These small heart shaped candies have always reminded me of eating TUMS mostly because of the chalky feeling that is left in your mouth. However, I do like the flavor of the white, orange, and green Sweethearts (mmm, mint) so the box is not entirely wasted in actually eating value. But the best part of Sweethearts is that they all have things writen (some times readable and others not so much) on them. So for your enjoyment (and in case you didn't get your own box this year) I have emptied my box out on my desk and will relate the more, shall we say interesting hearts to you.

(Warning! for those of you that have difficulties handling fragments of sentences this post is not for you, as after reading most hearts you come awaying thinking, please let there be a direct object/verb/subject in my future)

So in a list format, here is my box of Sweethearts:

Sure Love
Miss you
Sweet Talk
My Girl
My Man
Be True
Love Him
Love Bird
So fine
I hope
Heart of Gold (except the word heart is actually just a little heart shape, how cute)
Call me
Cutie Pie
One I love
Hi Love
Nice Girl
My Baby
(and the old standard )
Be Mine

But here are some hearts that I just don't understand their Valentine's Day significance (or maybe I am just out of the cultural loop)

URA Tiger
I'm sure
Call home (this sounds a little like E.T. )
Be Good
Fax Me (I ask you, have you ever sent a fax to that special someone?)


Your Literary Junkophile

Amendment 1: Don't worry, the pink font isn't staying, I just thought I would be a little Valentine's Day-y.

Amendment 2: Tommy was a chemistry, but Tommy is no more, for what he thought was H2O was actually H2SO4.

Amendment 3: No, I didn't just learn that in chemistry class.

Amendment 4: In case you don't know, H2SO4 is something you don't want to drink even though it looks exactly like water.

Amendment 5: Does anyone taste chalk right now?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snowglobes, sisters, and spellings

Well, I'm mostly posting again simply because I want to out-post my darling sister.

For those of you that are keeping track of the things that you can no longer take on planes in your carry-on luggage there is one more thing to add: snowglobes. I'm still not sure why I can take my 3.4 ounce bottle of shampo, but I cannot take small glitter globe that has about 2 ounces of water in it. I collect snowglobes and I actually had to have the one I got in Disneyland shipped home (we didn't check any luggage to save time). But today I received my beautiful little globe and once again all is right in the world. Not that you can't be happy if you don't have a small glitter globe with mouse ears on it, but to me snowglobes always make the day seem brighter and a little more glittery.

I know that I have said a number of times not to trust Jack Sparrow with your hat. When we were on Tom Saywer's Island Cap't Jack made an appearence and tried (and succeeded in some cases) to make off with numerous hats of various styles, sizes, and states of cleanliness. So has I have repeated to you on many occasions "Never Trust Jack Sparrow with your hat" it seems he has yet to locate one to his liking.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I won't put you through more chem facts as I already posted one today.

Amendment 2: I believe I have out-posted my sister for today.

Amendment 3: Life is always better with snowglobes.

Amendment 4: As I have stated before, spelling is not one of my strong traits, so I apologize for all the mistakes I have all ready made and will make in the future.

days, distractions, and dazes

I'm sure you all have favorite days of the week. You may have even ranked them from 1-7 in how much you dislike/like them. I know I do.

From the worst to the best: Monday, mostly because it is monday, enough said. Thursday, by this time in the week I am so exhausted that I cannot see straight (I try not to let that affect my driving to much), I also have to get up one more time in the school week after thursday. Tuesday, I am not as tired as on thursday but still I know that I have almost the entire week of school left. Wednesday, the week is half over, but I still have two days of classes left to get through. Sunday, this day is fun because of church, but the afternoon/evening is almost ruined by that fact that the weekend is now over and the next day will be monday. Saturday, this day all I really have to get done is homework, I don't have to stress about making sure my appearence is presentable. Friday is the very best of all the days of the week; despite all the complaining I do, I really do like school, but mostly because I know that the week is over ,I get to sleep in on Saturday, and above all Stargate is on.

Right now I am listening to music. Usually when I am just playing around on the computer I have music playing. I am even able to listen to music when studying (but only if I don't actually want to learning anything I am reading). Depending on how hard I am studying I have varying levels of concentration. The biggest distraction taboo I make when studying is having my blides open. My window looks out over the street and I am always amused by that activity. Nor does it help that I am very nosy and like to spy on the neighbors (only the four footed and fury kind, though). So if a group of individuals that happens to have four feet and are a might fury walk by, out come my binoculars and away go the textbooks.


Your Literary Junkophile

Amendment 1: alliterations are always amusing.

Amendment 2: Never trust Jack Sparrow with your hat.

Amendment 3: entropy and enthalpy a share and share alike relationship. All reactions take place because of a balance between the two.

Amendment 4: Welcome to the Stargate fan club, I will convert you yet.

Amendment 5: It is so easy to post a blog entry, even easier then email a group of unnamed, minion-like individuals.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Musings of a Maniac

Well, for some of you this will be a normal read, but for those of you who have yet to read something writen in the style I choose to write in, namely that of a Literary Junkophile, this will be nothing short of an adventure.

The second day of semester was exciting, fun filled and generally boring. I had my first voice lesson, followed by a near running dash across campus to arrive at a class on time. I need to remind my voice teacher to let me out on time from now on. That class (psych) is a class of 59 people in a room that seats 60 (and one of those seats has a broken desk), in other words it should be an interesting semester.

I then returned home, fell asleep for a time, and read for about 5 hours (text books not books for enjoyment). What a day, and tomorrow is fast approaching.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: for those of you that don't know I prefer "amendments" to "P.S."

Amendment 2: an elctrophile is a molecule that seeks to attach itself (by recieving a pair of electrons) to a nucleophile (a molecule that seeks protons).

Amendment 3: I always like to add a short chemistry/math blurb to the end of my posts, just for your enjoyment.

Amendment 4: school is so much fun!