Monday, March 10, 2008

life and future blog promises

Well, life goes on. Right now it feels like I have hit that point in the semester where everything runs together. I'm not sure what I did yesterday (wait I didn't even have school yesterday) and what I did today. My life is one big homework session, with a few notable exceptions.

1) Like I said I didn't have school yesterday.
2) I'm tutoring an algebra 1 student on tuesdays. Thought I suppose you could call this school, but algebra 1 was so long ago that it really doesn't seem hard or even much like school.
3) I'm working on planning my sister's 16th birthday. I won't tell you what is happening since she reads this, but it's going to be exciting.
4) I'm also singing in my church Easter Choir. That should be interesting.
5) I'm writing a near daily blog (that counts for something).
6) I am as big a Sci-Fi nut as ever.

So you see, I really do have a life outside of school. Even if that life is small and sad it is a life. No seriously, sometimes it does feel like all I do is school, but that's when I realize that I have lots of other activities that I can find some relaxing time from. This blogging is one of those.

Well, I better go do some homework!

I almost forgot a chemistry fact. PV=nRT, that is used for gases. P is the pressure. V is the volume. n is the number of moles (not the hairy kind, the chemistry kind). R is the gas constant. T is the temperature. You can use this equation to find any of the variables provided you can measure the others. So this turns out to be vary useful in chemistry.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: If you are reading this, be sure to vote on my doxie question.

Amendment 2: You all do realize what a doxie is, right?

Amendment 3: I hope you all remember the chemistry facts, because my next poll will be a chemistry quiz.

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