Sunday, March 2, 2008

Aliens, crack, and consequences

Well, I just finished watching the movie "Aliens" with my mom and sister. This is a rather scary movie, and is not for the feint- hearted alien movie connoisseur (But really, how can you be a true alien movie connoiseur and be feint hearted at the same time?). The other big problem with this movie is the fondness of certain characters for words not to be uttered by a gentleman. However, the writers of the movie did do one kind thing when they wrote the movie. All of the really bad words are spoken by one character, so basically when ever he comes on screen you can mute it, and be relatively safe from said words. I don't want to give away the ending but lets just say that the language problem isn't a problem for the whole movie.

This was the first time my sister has seen the movie and of course after it was over she immediately professed a need to sleep in my bed tonight. It is hard to believe that she will be 16 in less than two months. Now I couldn't let this moment go to waste so as soon as I had the chance I jumped out and gave her a big fright. Unfortunately for me, this most likely means that she will be sleeping with me tonight. Maybe I should rethink my scare tactics.

Now for the chemistry fact of the day, I have decided to combine chemistry with psych. (Sorry this is going to be a little bit of a strange subject for me, I'm not really the druggy type). Cocaine in the form that people used many many years ago (think snuff boxes) was cocaine hydrochoride so basically it wasn't as strong. Crack cocaine however, has been seperated from the hydrochloride and so us much stronger and more concentrated. So now you know why all of the Victorian era types weren't drug addicts in the way people are now. Like I said this really isn't my thing, but how could I resist a chance to combine two of my subjects in one post.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Aliens is a very scary movie.

Amendment 2: I think I will sleep with my light on tonight.

Amendment 3: Anyone know how to keep your 15 year old sister from wanting to sleep in your room?


Maddy said...

Hey, I didn't sleep with you! I slept with mom...

The Brittinator said...

So much better, Maddy...:)