Friday, March 14, 2008

Stories of Pies and Pi

Happy Pi Day!

Well, I thought I would start off with my much anticipated look back at what pi has done for us. (Not to be confused with pie, that has really only improved our moods and increased weight gain).

1. Pi allows us to calculate the circumference of a circle. 2pir. In non-math terms this tells you how long the edge of your pie is.
2. Pi allows us to calculate the area of a circle. pir^2. In non-math terms this tells you how much pie you get in one pie dish.
3. Pi is also very helpful in trig. So if trigonometry is in your future learn to love pi now. (it also wouldn't hurt to remember that Sin(pi) equals 0.)

Now for some things you never knew about pi (but wished you did).

1. The first 22 digits of pi are 3.141592653897932846264.
2. Pi is an unending number. So you could calculate it and calculate it until you died and still not know what the last digit is.
3. The 10,000th digit of pi is 8. (don't worry I didn't do this myself; my math professor did it on a computer, not that you would be able to check if I'm right, at least not for a very long time).

Now that I have finished up the math side of pi, maybe you would like to hear some thing about pies.

I am the official pie crust maker in my family. When ever I go up to my grandparent's house for holidays I am the one that makes the pie crust. I learned from my grandmother before she went completely nuts and still remembered what a pie crust is and how to make one. When making a pie crust there are a few simple things you need to remember. Always know what the humidity is for that day, if effects how much water you add to the pie crust. If you feel like you have added enough water you have already added to much. It should feel too dry. Always use ice cold water, never warm and never room temperature water. The amount of water that is listed in the cook book is a suggestion, always feel free to add more or less as needed. For me, because it rains so much, I almost never use the full 8 tablespoons as listed for a two crust pie, usually more like 6 and 1/2, but never 8. As a famous pirate once said the "code (recipe) is more what you would call a guideline".

Now I need to go do some homework so I have lots of time tonight to bake a wonderful cherry pie, in my pi dish.

Cheers! and Happy Pi Day!

Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I was looking over the last poll question, the one about the doxies, and I was wondering who said that they are kissed by a doxie every day? I know who three of the voters are, but not the fourth. So fess up!

Amendment 2: I see that only one person has attempted my chemistry question. And we can all see how my sister's guess turned out.

Amendment 3: And Yes, I will give you the answer for the chemistry question in a week.

1 comment:

The Brittinator said...

Sorry Laura but it's Friday and I just did a Chemistry test today...guess I won't be figuring out your poll anytime soon...maybe Monday...