Well, Happy Resurrection Day or for the rest of the world Happy Easter, either way He is risen indeed!
Now that I have covered the particulars of the day, back to life. On Friday I took by second chemistry exam of the semester. I felt like it went well. I can only hope that I did as well as last time. After that I spend a furious few hours running around with my mom trying to find a new outfit for Easter. I failed nearly completely. So today I had to wear a mix match of clothes that a. didn't belong to me or b. I haven't worn in a long while. After all the shopping woes, I had to be at church early for the Good Friday service because I was singing and then stayed late for worship team practice. The end result of my evening was I left the house at 6:15 and got home at 10:30 exhausted and with a much lower level of hearing than before. I love worship team practice though I do believe I could live without the inevitable hearing loss.
Saturday was spend at a friend's house eating more than was good for me, and seeing people that I really didn't feel a need to see. Funny how Saturdays can go like that.
Today of course is Easter which meant my church has two services instead of one, which translated for the people on the worship team to: get up at 6:30 on an completely non-Easter weathered morning, and be at church at 7:45. Praise God that the church leadership didn't chose to do a Sunrise Service. I do believe we would still be waiting for the sun to rise and the service to start. I really do love Easter; it is one of the best holidays and certainly the most important to the christian church. Has anyone besides me ever heard the customary Easter greeting that goes "He is Risen" to which the other person responds "He is risen indeed"? None of my friends at church had heard it. I very much like that greeting.
I am now on spring break so I should have some time this week to see friends and finish my very enjoyable Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: Oh by the way, thanks for riding on the train of life with me. I just thought I would throw that out there.
Amendment 2: The correct answer to my chemistry question was 7.14%. Which I can see that one person figured out. So at least my mom remembers her chemistry.
Amendment 3: He is Risen.
Amendment 4: I will be waiting for your customary responses.
I’m Free!
13 years ago
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