Friday, August 8, 2008

The One Handed Typing Bandit

Well, tonight I am a one handed typist. I had to go get a booster shot on Thursday (Hep. A) and my arm is so sore that I can't type with it. The shot also made me sick so I really haven't done anything for the last 36 hours. I did make myself go to dance class last night because I only had three more left to go to. By sitting out for a few dances I made it through but only just.

I only have one day left working at the clinic (Tuesday), because they ran out of things for me to do. I was very glad that I didn't have to go into today. I would have ended up a patient:)

Sorry, this is going to be short, but I'm just really tired and typing with one hand is much harder then it looks (probably something like shooting out the tires on a run-away RV).


Your one handed literary junkophile.

Amendment 1: I have two days until I find out who my roommate is.

Amendment 2: And only two weeks left at home.


Maddy said...

You realize that no one besides me is going to get the run away rv thing?

LB said...

Yes, Indy.