Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I can't believe I'm LEAVING!

Well, I don't really have much to say, nothing exciting and interesting like my last post. I did, however, get to talk to my roommate last night. She sounds really nice and I can't wait to meet her in person.

It has been really strange these past few days, because I keep doing things that I know I won't do again at home (before next summer), spending the night at a close friend's house, going to a church picnic, working at the clinic, even seeing that I won't be home to see the milk go out of date is getting sad for me.

So many things in my life are changing right now, and in some ways it is very scary. Even though I will be at a wonderful school with a good support network, I will still be on my own for the first time in my life. I have always had my parents to depend on for everything, and soon I will only depend on God and myself. But I guess that is a big part of growing-up.

The nice thing is that even though I will be in a different state I will still be in close contact with everyone at home. Between cell phones, e-mail, and this blog I'm sure that I will still be hearing from everyone back home frequently.

It is also strange to think that I will be living in a different place. I have only every lived here, and so moving is going to be a big change for me. I'm not like some people that moved all over the US as a kid and so doesn't hesitate to move again. I will miss the trees, the farms, and the rain.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Sorry, this was a really sad and moody post. I'm probably going to be like that for the next few weeks.

Amendment 2: I leave on the 26th. School starts on the 28th, and classes on the 1st.

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