Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Room!

The first picture is of my side of the room. Notice my periodic table on the wall. It is the only poster I have gotten up on my wall. So now everyone here knows I'm a chemistry nerd.

The second picture is of my desk and computer. I have the Nanny Journals on the screen.

It is already so strange being here. I like everyone, but it isn't home. It certainly makes me want to go to Medical school in Oregon. I'm getting to know everyone, but I miss everyone at home.

The strangest this so far: I've only met one home schooler!

The coolest thing so far: Bagpipes at a ceremony yesterday.

The Hardest thing so far: My parents Leaving.

The Easiest thing so far: Knowing that this is where God does want me.

The funnest thing so far: Country Line Dancing last night (if only it was ECD).

The most boring thing so far: Being told again and again that we have to study hard. That is the reason I'm here, to study, if you haven't figured that out by now you shouldn't be at college.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: All my friends need to get gmail so I can talk with you.

Amendment 2: I miss you already!


Brian Janssen said...

Sounds like you're off to a great start! Hope you have an awesome first week, and thanks for the reports!

p.s. Were you expecting lots of home school graduates there?

pinkchocoholic said...

Hehe, my blog it is in Laura's blog! :D I see you have a container of wipeys and a bottle of hand sanitizer too. Your mother must be so proud. :P (but really, I'm sure I would have them both too, I have hand sanitizer as it is, and almost bought some wipeys ther other day :lol:)