Thursday, September 10, 2009

Singing LitGirl's praises

I have a number of wonderful friends. People that I know my life would be sadly boring, and uninteresting if I didn't know them . I hope you all know who you are. (here's a hint, I really only tease people that I consider good friends, people I'm willing to put time and energy into, so if I tease you chances are you make the list). One of good friends is Mariah C. (LitGirl on blogger). We have known each other for a long time, and even though she is strange some times, I still love her. She is now an art major in college, but I still think she is an amazing writing, and very funny. This a copy and paste from her blog. I hope you all like it.

"So tonight my brother made his girlfriend upset. This happens from time to time. It's never really his fault. He never means to say something stupid. He just suffers from male emotional illiteracy. My father assures him it is a common malady. My mother and I try to coach him on to better things. He's getting better. I think he is far more advanced in this area than most guys I know. However, for the good of interpersonal communications the world over, I am making a list of general rules for men dealing with women. These have been arrived at through years of observation and study :)
1. Women are not cars. DO NOT try to fix them. Self help books do not make good gifts.
2. When you ask a woman what's wrong, and she says nothing, she is LYING.
3. Just put anniversaries, birthdays, etc. on the calendar. Forgetting them is normal and forgivable, but it just makes you look dumb.
4. Think before you speak. If it would sound dumb on a video of your life, it should probably not be spoken.
5. Do irrational, unreasonable things for her. This doesn't actually make sense, but a lot of girls expect it, or at least secretly hope for it. It will just make your life easier.
6. Do not insult her pet hobbies, interests, whatever. Just don't. She will take it personally. If she likes cats, do not pretend you are going to throw one out a window.
7. Tell her what you're feeling. Yeah, you'll feel stupid, but she'll like it.
8. Be mushy. Just close your eyes and do it. You'll feel like a fool. You probably are. Just do it anyway.
9. Don't make a comment about her appearance that isn't positive. This is not a fair rule, because a girl will feel that it's her right to tell you when you look silly or ugly. But you just shouldn't go there.
10. Try to accept that most girls have a lot of emotions going at all times, and thus will often seem very complex. Try to watch for the signs. Pay attention. Girls are not crock pots. You can not just leave them unwatched for a while.

And remember, these are general observations. They aren't fair. They aren't always true. But they may be helpful for navigating the waters of the female psyche. Good luck. I'm going to go comfort my adorable, clumsy brother now. "



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