Ok, I have decided to start a new tradition on this blog: Quotes of the Week. They will be taken from professors, fellow students, and my dorm mates. Here is the first set:
In Organic Chemistry my professor was explaining how chemists are unsure whether the reaction mechanism given in the book is completely accurate. One student responded with this question: "Can we be equally unsure on our exam?"
Today in O-chem class my professor asked a question of the class. One girl shouted out the answer. My professor didn't respond, waited a few seconds and then told us the answer. The same one that the girl had just said. She then said "But Dr. ____ I said methylcylcohexanol." My Professor said "I know, I just ignored you."
In biology class we were talking about polar molecules. One girl raised her hand and asked "Insoluble means it won't dissolve, right?"
In Physics class this afternoon, my professor was talking about electron waves. "How big is an electron really? It seems to be just a point in space, but we physicists are suspicious."
Your Literary Junkophile
Amendment 1: I am now trying to figure out how I can get a chem major and a physics minor in only two more years here.
Amendment 2: Hulu is as addicting as YouTube.
Amendment 3: Craisins are also addicting.
I’m Free!
13 years ago
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