Thursday, January 15, 2009

Don't check the web address just yet...

I decided that "Musings of a Literary Junkophile" needed a new look. So being the computer savvy person that I am, I quickly headed onto my blogger dashboard and selected a new layout. If someone smart and computery wants to let me in on the little secret of how to make your own layouts let me know. I would love to have something more unique.

I have now completed four days of my second semester here in California. I am enjoying it immensely, especially my science classes. I am also taking Old Testament and though, in some ways it will be repetitive, I think I will enjoy the historical portion of the class. I also have a new roommate, who I am getting to know.

It is very strange to be way from home, but I am slowly getting used to the freedom and the responsibility. I am also so excited to see what God is going to do this semester in my life. He never ceases to amaze. I just love understanding more about his creation through my science classes, and understanding his nature better through biology, chemistry, and physics.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Does anyone but me get excited about NMR spectroscopy?

Amendment 2: NMR is like a 2D MRI, very cool, and very magnetic.

Amendment 3: The biggest problem with college, in my opinion, is there are so many classes and things to major in. How is a person to choose?

Amendment 4: I am still chemistry major though. Chemistry majors are the coolest, and the most positive since they are always dropping electrons everywhere.

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