Friday, January 23, 2009

Quotes of the Week...

Ok, I have decided to start a new tradition on this blog: Quotes of the Week. They will be taken from professors, fellow students, and my dorm mates. Here is the first set:

In Organic Chemistry my professor was explaining how chemists are unsure whether the reaction mechanism given in the book is completely accurate. One student responded with this question: "Can we be equally unsure on our exam?"

Today in O-chem class my professor asked a question of the class. One girl shouted out the answer. My professor didn't respond, waited a few seconds and then told us the answer. The same one that the girl had just said. She then said "But Dr. ____ I said methylcylcohexanol." My Professor said "I know, I just ignored you."

In biology class we were talking about polar molecules. One girl raised her hand and asked "Insoluble means it won't dissolve, right?"

In Physics class this afternoon, my professor was talking about electron waves. "How big is an electron really? It seems to be just a point in space, but we physicists are suspicious."


Your Literary Junkophile

Amendment 1: I am now trying to figure out how I can get a chem major and a physics minor in only two more years here.

Amendment 2: Hulu is as addicting as YouTube.

Amendment 3: Craisins are also addicting.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Don't check the web address just yet...

I decided that "Musings of a Literary Junkophile" needed a new look. So being the computer savvy person that I am, I quickly headed onto my blogger dashboard and selected a new layout. If someone smart and computery wants to let me in on the little secret of how to make your own layouts let me know. I would love to have something more unique.

I have now completed four days of my second semester here in California. I am enjoying it immensely, especially my science classes. I am also taking Old Testament and though, in some ways it will be repetitive, I think I will enjoy the historical portion of the class. I also have a new roommate, who I am getting to know.

It is very strange to be way from home, but I am slowly getting used to the freedom and the responsibility. I am also so excited to see what God is going to do this semester in my life. He never ceases to amaze. I just love understanding more about his creation through my science classes, and understanding his nature better through biology, chemistry, and physics.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Does anyone but me get excited about NMR spectroscopy?

Amendment 2: NMR is like a 2D MRI, very cool, and very magnetic.

Amendment 3: The biggest problem with college, in my opinion, is there are so many classes and things to major in. How is a person to choose?

Amendment 4: I am still chemistry major though. Chemistry majors are the coolest, and the most positive since they are always dropping electrons everywhere.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Time Travel (I think)

I left Oregon in mid January by plane and landed in southern CA in June. I am still trying to work out the particulars of how exactly Horizon Air managed that, but it is about 78 degrees here, bright and sunny, with a light wind blowing off the Ocean. I have once again broken out my shorts, t-shirts, and sandals (yes in good Oregon fashion, I wear them with socks). My physics classroom was so warm this afternoon that the whole class, including the teacher, was falling asleep. This begs the question: How exactly did this happen, and is there some way to get back to winter weather. So here is a list of possible solutions that I would imagine came from some popular scientists (both real, and fictional people).

Einstein: Time is relative, so the plane must have traveled close to the speed of light. There by slowing down time for the people on the plane, while time proceeded at the normal rate for everyone else.

James T. Kirk (Star Trek): Clearly, the plane was equipped with a shield that protected it while it flew close to the sun. The plane was set into a close orbit of the sun and was then catapulted forward in time. Due to the complex math that was done, I can only assume that Spock must have been present on Laura's flight.

Heisenberg: Due to the fact that you cannot know where you are and how fast you are going at the same time, and the pilot knew where they were during the flight, the plane must have been going much faster than thought. I seem to remember something about going really really fast, and time. Perhaps you should ask Albert about it.

Samantha Carter (Stargate SG1): The plane must have traveled through a stargate at the precise moment a solar flare happened. The flare sent the plane into the future by six months.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Yes, I realize before hand that by going to school in CA I was sacrificing some of my winter weather.

Amendment 2: But I still would like to see how people down here react to a good cold snap.

Amendment 3: And by cold snap I mean 40 degree weather.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Skips and School

Well, apparently I have become a very bad blogger. It has been month since my last blog. Granted a lot has happened in that month, exams, going home, snow, ice, snow, Christmas, snow, New Years, snow, and family.

I leave to go back to school tomorrow. I am a little sad, but I am really ready to be back in the grind of school. I am going to have a very hectic semester. I'm taking O-chem, physics, bio, and a RS class. That's three labs, and 17 units! I am also getting a new roommate as Ashley decided to transfer out.

I had a very nice Christmas, and a very snowy Christmas. Two Feet of snow on the ground is a lot! and learning how to drive in it was even more exciting. But i am now very glad that the snow is over. Since people in Oregon don't drive in the snow, I couldn't really go anywhere for a week and that was very boring (a little like Boring Oregon, maybe).

It was wonderful to see so many of you over the past few weeks. The ball was so much fun, as was the little get together at my house. I miss you all when I'm at school, but I will be home in may for a while (I may even get tired of seeing you).


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Yes, you all have permission to yell at me for not updating my blog for so long.

Amendment 2: I finally figured out how to get my dad to let me take a picture of him. You have him stand in front of some military plane. Suddenly, he becomes almost photogenic.

Amendment 4: Special effects have come a long way since the original Star Wars were made.

Amendment 5: Yes, skipping Amendment 3 was intentional. I wanted to see how many of you are still awake.

Amendment 6: I am finally going to start an ECD group at my school. I even ordered a CD of music.