Monday, April 7, 2008

Pressures and Headaches

Well, it appears that spring has not yet arrived. It is as wet and cold as ever. However, with the exception that you can't (or more accurately won't) play softball in the rain, I am very happy with the rain. It makes me much less distracted from school work. Which right now is a very good thing. So bring on the rain!

As my mother adamantly put it "You didn't blog yesterday". But I'm afraid that I have a very good reason. About once a month I will get a migraine headache and looking at a computer screen is just to painful, so yesterday I had to forgo writing a blog entry. Yesterday, when I should have been writing a blog, I was taking a nap and being very cranky with my family for making unnecessary noise. Before I got a migraine I was reading a Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. So basically my life yesterday went from reading a very good book to sleeping off a migraine. It started with the best of times and ended with the worst of times.

With the exception of a psych exam on Thursday I have a relatively exam free week. That almost always makes it a good week (Almost).

This will be a short entry as I have to go to lab today. The Vapor Pressure of Liquids is calling.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I hope you all caught the sly backhanded theft of one of Charles Dickens most famous quotes.

Amendment 2: Always remember that when dealing with temperature and pressure it is best to work in Kelvins.

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