Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fables and Letters

Well, I have spent the last two days (today and yesterday) getting very little homework done. I am waiting to here from my last college of choice so I can make a decision about where I'm heading to next year. I am just having a very hard time trying to keep my thoughts on other important things like school right now. So I thought I would take a break from being unproductive and write a blog entry. So here I am.

In psych we just finished talking about development and we discussed something called the "Personal Fable". It is the thing that so many teenagers seem to suffer from. The loud talking in public, the belief that everyone is watching them. The "I am special" attitude. That personal fable.
You can see this play out in many different settings. Have you ever noticed at the mall there are a lot of middle schoolers that seem to be abnormally loud. They talk loudly, they laugh loudly, and they even eat loudly. Or have you ever met the person that will talk to themselves out loud in front of others. Not like thinking out loud just talking about their day to no one in particular. Then there is the incessant primping that so many girls seem to do, when in reality no one really cares if their hair is in a pony tail, or an elaborate bun.

In lab on Monday, my lab partner and I were the last to leave. We had our experiment fall apart (I mean literally the flask stopper came out and ruined our experiment) on us when we where about half way done and had to start over. However, the experiment was so short that even getting so far behind we still finished a whole hour before lab was officially over. I have to say that I'm very glad it was a short lab, or I believe I would have become very bored. Swirling methanol and ethanol around in flasks while holding them in different temperature baths is really not my idea of a fun afternoon.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I think I may be able to get some math done now.

Amendment 2: I don't think I like the mail man very much. He is always late.

Amendment 3: However, if he would bring me a certain letter I have been wanting I may decide I like him again.


BobSnyder said...

Hi Laura,

This is actually a response to your April blog. Did you know that The Tale of Two Cities and lots of other older works are available as free "audiobooks" downloadable as MP3s at I just got done listening to Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. Great tales.

Bob Snyder

BobSnyder said...

I meant April 7.

princess_kate_88 said...

Hi Laura!!! I just remembered about your blog (I'd forgotten about it earlier) and it's so fun to read it and see how you're doing!! I'm glad that you're well, aside from homework and waiting to hear about important things... I know the feeling (for both inconveniences)! I learned about the "personal fable" too, in my adolescent development class last term. My favorite, though, was the "imaginary audience:" these are the people who will inevitably notice when a teenager wears the same shirt for two days in the same week. Well, I'd best be off the computer soon - good to hear from you, I'll email you later :)
have a good friday!
love katie