Well, in case you haven't looked out the window recently and noticed all the weather changes, I thought I would give you my view on the drastic and frequent changes that have been occurring lately.
Two weekends ago was one of the most beautiful days we have had all year. It was sunny and warm. A day that just expressed the sentiment "Spring is Here at last". But by last Friday it was cold and, big surprise, raining. And by Saturday morning it was snowing lightly. Because of all the water on the ground, the snow didn't stick, but still, snow in April. Saturday was followed by a very wet Sunday morning and an afternoon that switched off from hailing and sun shine. And I didn't even mention the wind.
Now I realize that the weather here is really not what most people would call normal. It is far to wet and dismal, but this weekend must have been some kind of a joke. The weather can't seem to decide if it wants to be spring, winter, or Michigan. If you have kept up with the weather news around the country we weren't really any exception. Perhaps the weather from all the different states is having a competition to see who can frustrate and confound the most people. To you all I say: If you enjoy surprise weather, come visit me. And to the Weather Man: better luck next time.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: I can't believe I just wrote a whole post on nothing but weather. How dismal and wet (well maybe not wet, that would describe our weather) of me.
Amendment 2: In case you are wondering, it is raining right now.
Amendment 3: At least the weather man was right today.
Amendment 4: But it was a safe bet.
Amendment 5: When in doubt, predict rain.
I’m Free!
13 years ago