Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Weathering the Weather of the West

Well, in case you haven't looked out the window recently and noticed all the weather changes, I thought I would give you my view on the drastic and frequent changes that have been occurring lately.

Two weekends ago was one of the most beautiful days we have had all year. It was sunny and warm. A day that just expressed the sentiment "Spring is Here at last". But by last Friday it was cold and, big surprise, raining. And by Saturday morning it was snowing lightly. Because of all the water on the ground, the snow didn't stick, but still, snow in April. Saturday was followed by a very wet Sunday morning and an afternoon that switched off from hailing and sun shine. And I didn't even mention the wind.

Now I realize that the weather here is really not what most people would call normal. It is far to wet and dismal, but this weekend must have been some kind of a joke. The weather can't seem to decide if it wants to be spring, winter, or Michigan. If you have kept up with the weather news around the country we weren't really any exception. Perhaps the weather from all the different states is having a competition to see who can frustrate and confound the most people. To you all I say: If you enjoy surprise weather, come visit me. And to the Weather Man: better luck next time.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I can't believe I just wrote a whole post on nothing but weather. How dismal and wet (well maybe not wet, that would describe our weather) of me.

Amendment 2: In case you are wondering, it is raining right now.

Amendment 3: At least the weather man was right today.

Amendment 4: But it was a safe bet.

Amendment 5: When in doubt, predict rain.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Reasons and Cacklings

Well, I'm very sorry that I wandered off again. Through my hectic school schedule of last week, I kept thinking "I should blog again", but I never actually got around to it. I had many reasons why I was so busy last week. But I will get to each one in turn.

My church is made up of some wonderfully talented people that are really just hams at heart, with that in mind one of the former pastors we have, (We have a number of former pastors that really don't understand what retired means) decided that it would be fun to have a talent show. I have known about this for a number of months and very early on my sister and I decided to sing something, specifically "What is this feeling" from Wicked. We worked on it for a while, but ultimately decided that we wanted to do something else. So for the last month we have been working on this lovely song, with me singing, my sister on the flute, and my mom playing the piano. Then on Wednesday I got sick. While I love our song, it goes up very high, and is a solo, so very quickly we had to think of something else to do. Well, last night I was dressed completely in black, cackling in front of the whole church. My life has only gotten stranger.

The other big thing that occupied my time this week was a chem. test. I was feeling rather prepared until I went to math class. There I found out that the average score on last year's exam was a 40% and the highest score was a 65%. This was not the type of information I wanted 20 minutes before I took the exam. Let's hope that it went a little better for me, than for the students last year.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: The Aliens are still coming. I just need to find a good date.

Amendment 2: I hope you can all see now, why I didn't blog this week. In case you missed it the first time around. I was sick, I had to get a song together (with choreography), and stress over, study for and finally take a chemistry exam, never mind that I was also trying to decide my future for the next three years.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tiredness (sorry, but that is my life right now)

Well, I'm sorry that once again I disappeared for a few days. I have been very busy lately and today was no exception. Yesterday, was my sister's birthday, and so I spent most of the day making a coconut cake for her. I'm not sure if you know this, but coconut cakes are very hard to make. But they do taste very nice after they are done. Then we went out to dinner to this lovely little Italian place that serves very traditional food. I don't like Italian food very much. But their sausage and caramelized onion lasagna was very good. However, I found out that I'm not very fond of chicory or fennel. So perhaps the chicory and fennel salad was a mistake on my part.

Today, was a very long day at church. I left a little before nine and got home at around three. We had a normal service and then a potluck and then a baptism service. I had to play for both services and of course with the potluck in between, I had to stay for that as well. Then I went to the park to see some friends and now I'm here typing, waiting for dinner to be ready so I can eat and do homework. What a day.


Your Very Tired Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I don't think tennis agrees with my knees.

Amendment 2: If equilibrium constants can be avoided they should be.

Amendment 3: The Aliens are coming!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fables and Letters

Well, I have spent the last two days (today and yesterday) getting very little homework done. I am waiting to here from my last college of choice so I can make a decision about where I'm heading to next year. I am just having a very hard time trying to keep my thoughts on other important things like school right now. So I thought I would take a break from being unproductive and write a blog entry. So here I am.

In psych we just finished talking about development and we discussed something called the "Personal Fable". It is the thing that so many teenagers seem to suffer from. The loud talking in public, the belief that everyone is watching them. The "I am special" attitude. That personal fable.
You can see this play out in many different settings. Have you ever noticed at the mall there are a lot of middle schoolers that seem to be abnormally loud. They talk loudly, they laugh loudly, and they even eat loudly. Or have you ever met the person that will talk to themselves out loud in front of others. Not like thinking out loud just talking about their day to no one in particular. Then there is the incessant primping that so many girls seem to do, when in reality no one really cares if their hair is in a pony tail, or an elaborate bun.

In lab on Monday, my lab partner and I were the last to leave. We had our experiment fall apart (I mean literally the flask stopper came out and ruined our experiment) on us when we where about half way done and had to start over. However, the experiment was so short that even getting so far behind we still finished a whole hour before lab was officially over. I have to say that I'm very glad it was a short lab, or I believe I would have become very bored. Swirling methanol and ethanol around in flasks while holding them in different temperature baths is really not my idea of a fun afternoon.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I think I may be able to get some math done now.

Amendment 2: I don't think I like the mail man very much. He is always late.

Amendment 3: However, if he would bring me a certain letter I have been wanting I may decide I like him again.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Pressures and Headaches

Well, it appears that spring has not yet arrived. It is as wet and cold as ever. However, with the exception that you can't (or more accurately won't) play softball in the rain, I am very happy with the rain. It makes me much less distracted from school work. Which right now is a very good thing. So bring on the rain!

As my mother adamantly put it "You didn't blog yesterday". But I'm afraid that I have a very good reason. About once a month I will get a migraine headache and looking at a computer screen is just to painful, so yesterday I had to forgo writing a blog entry. Yesterday, when I should have been writing a blog, I was taking a nap and being very cranky with my family for making unnecessary noise. Before I got a migraine I was reading a Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. So basically my life yesterday went from reading a very good book to sleeping off a migraine. It started with the best of times and ended with the worst of times.

With the exception of a psych exam on Thursday I have a relatively exam free week. That almost always makes it a good week (Almost).

This will be a short entry as I have to go to lab today. The Vapor Pressure of Liquids is calling.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I hope you all caught the sly backhanded theft of one of Charles Dickens most famous quotes.

Amendment 2: Always remember that when dealing with temperature and pressure it is best to work in Kelvins.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

New Words, Weddings and Milli Moles

Well, I don't have long before I have to leave for a Wedding (not mine, mind you, but a close friend of the family). After this afternoon, my weekend should be very quiet. I don't have much homework and our house guest is leaving after the Wedding. But she'll be back. (That last sentence should be read with a Austrian accent).

Right now my life is filled with musical conundrums and chemical woes. I'll leave if up to you to discover which is giving me the most angst. (I have decided that I am very fond of the word angst and I will try to use it in my daily life as much as possible). This of course can lead to a very new and very wrong word. Angsting. (I try to refrain from coming up with new words, but this one was asking for it). So from now on when chemistry is bothering my, I am angsting about.

As it has been a long time since I have added a chemistry fact here is a whole paragraph on nothing but chemistry (and maybe a bit about antacids).

For you TUMs users out there I am sorry to report that Rolaids is the way to go. I have actually done the experiment in lab last week, that shows that Rolaids is not only cheaper, but also neutralizes more acid than TUMs. Now, I'm sure you are asking, "Does it matter what flavor of Rolaids I use?". Yes, it does matter. Peppermint actually neutralizes 14.5 mmol of acid while, Spearmint only 14.3 mmol. (Peppermint is also slightly cheaper).


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: No, infringement is meant on using TUMs or Rolaids.

Amendment 2: TUMs maker: please don't have me quartered for exposing your nasty little secret.

Amendment 3: I will try not to become to angstful, waiting for a letter from a college.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mr. Darcy and Distractions (and some chocolate for good measure)

Well, it seems that I have been doing very badly lately when it comes to updating my blog. For some reason I have been running in circles this week. I haven't gotten anything done, and I feel confused and tired. I guess that just shows what I nice long spring break can do to you.

Today was extremely busy and I only got about 2 1/2 hours of homework done. What I day! We have a house guest staying with us so that is one distraction, but mostly my scattered brain just doesn't seem capable of studying for long periods of time right now. But never fear, I will have my brain problems (that just sounds a little odd) worked out by next week and I will be able to get back to my old schedule of school work and daily blogging. Sometimes I wonder who I am blogging to, because I know that you all don't check this site like you should. But to tell you the truth I am very happy just blogging away all by my lonesome, but please don't let that stop you from checking my blog.

Just to tell you how unproductive I was today here is what I did do. I broke my desk chair. This was not directly my fault. I completed a math assignment that isn't due until Monday by not doing chemistry that I should have done before class tomorrow. I went to English Country Dancing class. This is extremely relaxing, very good exercise, and generally enjoyable. Though it has been known to cause heightened feelings of "girlyness", but what girl can pass that up. Plus there is always the chance you may run into (and in some case literally) Mr. Darcy. And I am always, as every girl should be, looking for my Mr. Darcy. (If you don't know who Mr. Darcy is may I suggest that you read Pride and Prejudice, and get a life).


You Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Chocolate not only improves your mood, but also makes you more productive in school.

Amendment 2: But, this theory does need some more testing, what a shame.

Amendment 3: Always remember, chocolate is a powerful substance treat it with respect.