In less than three weeks I leave to go back to California for the school year. Though I'm very excited to be back at school, I am starting to become sad about leaving. Even with email, chat, facebook, and phone calls, I miss my family and friends so much during the year. The other thing I miss when I'm at school, something I didn't even anticipate missing when I left last fall, is Oregon. And here are the reasons why.
1) The Oregon Coast. They don't make coasts like these in California. I want to be able to wear a sweat shirt to the beach, and to always be prepared for a sudden rain storm, even in summer. I don't get the CA beaches, people just go to get tan and wear inappropriate clothing. And seriously what is up with beach volleyball, when did that become an Olympic sport?
2) The Green-ness of Oregon. You don't even think about how green things are until you leave. The trees may be green in some parts of CA, but it isn't the same color. In CA it is a sickly pea green color, not the deep forest green of the Willamette Valley. When I came back to Oregon after being gone for three months, I was socked by just how green everything really was here, and how much I had missed it.
3) Outdoors-yness of Oregon. How many people do you know that haven't been hiking at least once, that don't know where to go to find a good spot without any people, or don't know what REI is? If the answer is few to none, then you live in the pacific northwest. The main activity in CA is going to the mall or to the beach to "lay out". God gave us nature for a reason and we are supposed to enjoy it. Now, how to talk my CA friends into that.
These are just a few of the reasons I will be sad to leave Oregon for California in a few weeks.
I’m Free!
13 years ago