Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A month ago I was home...

Wow, I can't believe it has been a month since I left home. In some ways the time has gone so fast, but I feel like I have been here forever. The time really has flown, which is nice for me because I know that I will be home before I know it. But I also feel like I know everyone so well (at least in my section), that I couldn't have only known them for a month.

I miss you all terribly, and can't wait to see you. On that note: I will be home for a weekend in October (the 10th-14th). I will be at church, so those of you that are New Hope-ers will get to say hi. But if you don't go to my church you are welcome to stop by my house and say hi. Just let me or my mom know. I'm excited to be home for my birthday and to see my family.

My classes are going great. I had my first organic chemistry exam last Friday, and I did well on it. As of yesterday, I remember why I am a chemistry major. Up to this point we hadn't done anything new, but Monday we finally did something fun and exciting. (Well, exciting if you are a chemistry major). So, sorry physics and engineering majors that were trying to convert me, I am happy as a chem. major.

I just love going to a Christian school. I love being able to share that bond with fellow students and my professors. I can sit out on the lawn with a group of friends and sing praise songs and not be looked at strangely, or have a spontaneous prayer meeting without feeling odd.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I mostly wrote this post because I didn't get a chance to write an email update this weekend (computer trouble). So if it seemed a bit odd, that is why.

Amendment 2: My interesting fact today is actually a questions. How do you win a tug-of-war game? If you have taken physics you will know that it isn't as simple as it sounds. Let me know what you think the answer is.


Heather said...

So you won't even be here in time for Dance class! :(

I'm glad you are enjoying yourself and the friends you've made! :D

Brian Janssen said...

Yes, I'd love for you to play with us on the 12th!