Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Latin You Wished You Knew
Fridian Extendium- Things always go slower on Friday.
Canius Mandilar Landium- Dropped food always lands in the dog's mouth.
Pyrus Emptium- The toilet roll is always at the very end.
Verbum Obliviscor- The word that always escapes you when you need it.
Garmus Sunda Absenta- The Church clothes you want to wear are never clean on Sundays.
Campus Awaymus Greenus- The grass is always greener on the other side.
Luma Roja Universum- Hitting every red light while driving.
Troublae con mater et pater sistrum causa- When you get into trouble for something your sibling did.
Forgitium Vidium Reternium- Forgetting to return a rented movie.
Computae Hitium et Bangium- The desire to damage your home computer.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: I hope you all realize that though based on real Latin, I did make most of this post up.
Amendment 2: I really do speak Latin, really.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Because my sister had flute camp, my mom, Mariah, and I went to Powell's Books yesterday. I really have a hard time coming up with a better way to spend an afternoon then surrounded by books. Granted, there are a lot of them I really wouldn't be interested in reading (namely, the romance section and gardening section), but still to be in a place with that many books is just exhilarating.
I came home with about four new books (and a fifth, that I promptly loaned to Mariah). Three of the books are about medicine. Mostly virology and other interesting things. One of the books was another in my long line of "Band of Brothers" books. This one written by one of the original Easy Company men that happens to be from Oregon.
(I know that most girls are not that interested in things like Band of Brothers, but I really can't get enough of history, mostly war history that is. I actually had a very nice conversation with someone at dance tonight about band of brothers.)
Oh, I guess I really got six new books. I also got a book about the top medical schools. I can't believe that I have to start thinking about medical school right now. But I only have a year and a half until I take the MCAT so I do need to start looking into my options. My dream school would be OHSU. They are one of the best schools for what I want to do, and they have an amazing program that I love. I just hope when the time comes I can get in. (But really that isn't my department, I just have to do the best I can, the Man Upstairs ultimately has the final say).
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: Sorry, this was such a strange post.
Amendment 2: I like to call these kinds of posts "housekeeping Blogs". The things you have to say at some point, but really aren't that interesting to hear.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Welcome to the Lovable Nerd Awards
Clark Kent (aka Superman) played by Christopher Reeve. Clark is a normal nerd in so many ways, he does his job, he is always after the girl (but just can't pull it off). And of course he is Superman, the dream of every self respecting nerd alive.
Dr. John Carter (ER) played by Noah Wyle. Carter is just one of those guys that is perfect in so many ways, he is kind, he really cares for people, and he can't seem to find the right girl (not a sign of perfection, but it really isn't his fault). Did I mention that he is doctor and a great one at that. Dr. Carter definitely qualifies for a nerd award.
Alex P. Keaton (Family Ties) played by Michael J. Fox. Alex, while being wild about money, actually manages to be a nice person. He may come off as inhuman and mean, but really he is there for his family and cares what happens to his friends. Did I mention that he is a capitalist and a republican. Only a nerd would have posters of all the ivy league schools on
Dr. Carson Beckett (stargate Atlantis) played by Paul McGillion. Carson is just the perfect guy. He is there for is friends, he feels horrible about leaving his mother, is Scottish, he wears is heart on his sleeve, and best of all is a brilliant doctor who has a solution to everything.
Data (Star Trek: Next Generation) played by Brent Spiner. Data is such a wonderful person. In many ways he is more human then the rest of the people on the show. He is conscious of people's feelings, he tries to be aware of what is going on in his friends lives, and he can lock out the main computer in less then five seconds with a code even the Borg (no, they aren't Swedish) can't crack.
Adrian Monk (Monk) played by Tony Shalhoub. Monk has problems, but he is so lovable that nobody cares. He puts his friends through a lot, but his friendship is worth it. He is also an amazing detective that doesn't know how to dress. What a nerd.
Dr. Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG1) played by Michael Shanks. Daniel is really just a guy that wants to find is wife and get back to his life of archaeological study. Unfortunately for him, he gets to be the human touchstone for a group of people that are learning to handle the dangers and moral dilemmas of space travel.
Elvin Tibideaux (The Cosby Show) played by Geoffrey Owens. Elvin is so wonderful to his wife, but can't ever stop himself from putting his foot in his mouth. After he finally got over his Wilderness Store "thing" he made a great doctor and an even better dad.
Peter Parker (Spiderman) played by Toby McGuire. Peter is smart and sweet. He always tries to help is family out and be a good friend. If only his promising science career hadn't been interrupted by a spider bite.
Dr. Radek Zelenka (Stargate Atlantis) played by David Nykl. While Zelenka may be on the "B Team" he is still a brilliant scientist. He also has to put up with Rodney and this alone makes him a hero and very patient man.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: There, that wasn't dark and heavy.
Amendment 2: I would love to hear your opinion on the Awards. And maybe your favorite nerds as well.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Medical Musings
I went to dance class tonight. Alas, no Mr. Darcy, but perhaps I should say no Ramses. Though, I seriously doubt that Walter Peabody Emerson (yes, that is his real name (if you had read the books you would understand why he isn't called that)) would be fond of dancing. So if I am really looking for my Ramses maybe I should join an Archeology group instead of an English Country Dancing group.
Now, the interesting stuff. I started my job shadowing/volunteering at the medical clinic yesterday. Already I have seen some amazing and fascinating stuff. The very first thing I did on Wednesday was watch a procedure that I never fathomed I would see as a pre-med student and much less on my first day, in the first hour. I won't tell you what procedure it was, if want to ask me privately then that is fine, but things like that don't really belong on a family friendly blog. So that also means I won't be discussing the "gross" medical stuff. So Maddy, you can relax.
I will tell you that being in the clinic has already been an eyeopening experience. I have had several things happen that have made me realize how blessed I am to have been brought up in a Christian home with parents that really care about me. So many times we don't realize how much we have until we have lost it. Being presented with people that have either lost or never had the support structure and love I have experienced makes me pray that I am never in their situation.
I know these feelings are natural and are something that all people who are studying to become doctors go through. You just try to stay as professional as possible while at the same time not alienating or being inhuman to the patient. But I also know that there will always be people that get to you more then others. People who's place you can easily see yourself or your loved one in.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: I do hope you realize I am kidding about all the "Mr. Darcy and Ramses" stuff. I want to get married and have a family, but there are a few things I know God wants me to get done first. So you don't have to worry that I'm going to run off and get married without you.
Amendment 2: Sorry, I'm so depressing about all the deep feelings about being in a medical setting. It is all so new, that I'm going to be overflowing onto you for a while. So you had better just get over it.
Amendment 3: Has anyone see Firefly?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A Band of Love
I just finished reading a book called "Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends". It is another book in the long line of books that could be called Band of Brothers books. This particular book is written by Bill Guarnere and Babe Heffron, two men that served in the 101st Airborne division, 506th regiment, 2nd battalion, Easy Company.
If you don't know, "Band of Brothers" was a book written by Stephen Ambrose about the men of Easy Company during WWII. This group of paratroopers were unique in the fact that they were trained together and then sent into combat together. This had never been done before. And it formed a deep bond between the men that were at Normandy, Market Garden, Bastogne, and Hitler's Eagle's Nest. Yes, Easy Company was at every turning point in the European Theater.
This book was turned into an HBO miniseries in 2000 by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. This show has extreme profanity, some of the most hideous gore I have ever seen, and is one of the most realistic movies out there about WWII. It really is something that everyone should see. Not when you are a kid, but people need to understand about war.
But this book, the one I just finished reading, is also really good. I wouldn't recommend it until you have read "Band of Brothers" and maybe even "The Biggest Brother" (another book, about Major Dick Winters, the commander of Easy Company). I have another book to read about Easy Company, major Winters' memoirs.
I'm not sure why Easy Company's story has captured the hears of so many people, including mine. Perhaps, it is because these men stayed friends for so long after the war was over? But personally think it is because those men were the best. They were the best, but they were human. They gave up so much to protect the freedom of so many people, in so many countries. Easy Company had over a 50% casualty rate. Those men not only became brothers, they became brothers that fought and died together.
I was watching an episode today, where two of the most well like men were wounded and almost died. For the other men it was as if their own flesh and blood brothers had been hurt. In the book I just finished Babe Heffron says he doesn't believe he is a hero, that the men that didn't come back are the heroes. That may be so, but they are all heroes in my book.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: If anyone does want to watch some of Band of Brothers, I would be happy to have you over. But it really isn't a pleasant show to watch.
Amendment 2: Reading/watching things like band of brothers really makes me realize how blessed we are. To have men that were willing to fight and die to protect you isn't something we should take lightly.
Amendment 3: A lot of people have sacrificed a lot so that we don't have too.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
A Trio of Subjects
The first is a book recommendation. The Amelia Peabody series. I love these books. There about 23 in the series and everyone more delightful then the previous. They are about an Egyptologist at the turn of the century and I mean the end of the 1800s. The main character is of course, Amelia Peabody. She is a wonderfully strong woman with a propensity for exaggeration. She is not so much a feminist as a real woman. She has no problem telling men what to do, or what she thinks, and she is fond of ridiculing the modern (for the time period) dressing habits of women. (And is doesn't hurt that she is brilliant). In short, she is my kind of woman. (The Amelia Peabody Series is written by Elizabeth Peters, who was kind enough to write me back a few years ago.) (You do have to beware the few incidents of impropriety that tend of come up between the married main characters.)
Secondly, have you noticed how warm it has been lately? I have not been enjoying it. For some reason I tend to loose all my energy when the mercury (so to speak) climbs into the 90s. Now maybe you can understand why the weather in California was considered a con on my list.
Thirdly, I spent the afternoon yesterday watching a wedding. Now this was not the wedding you may be thinking of. This was the wedding that was taking place in My Little Valley. I really do think that the owners should have asked me first. But since they didn't, I watched the whole ceremony through my binoculars. It was a beautiful wedding (and very expensive). But they were partying until 1 in the morning, disco balls and all. I did decide that when I get married the groom/groomsmen are wearing black. I just don't like the brown tuxes.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: I did warn you that this would be a strange post. I even apologized.
Amendment 2: If you want to know who my dream guy is, you need to read the later Amelia Peabody books. Ramses is just to good to be true, his looks are perfect and he is my favorite literary hero. Yes, I would rather marry him than Mr. Darcy.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Stargate Mania
Best male character: Jack O'Neill. He may act dumb, but Gen. O'Neill is one of the smartest guys in the stargate universe. He is funny and always does the right thing, even if that means putting himself in danger to save others.
The Best Female Character and Smartest Person in the Universe: Samantha Carter. Sam is pretty and smart even when she is having a bad day. She is always on top of things. If only she and Jack could make it work.
Best Romance. Jack and Sam. Need I say more.
Cutest Guy. Dr. Daniel Jackson. Between those glasses and love able smile, a girl just doesn't stand a chance. Plus who wouldn't fall for a daring archaeologist with a gun. (don't let anyone tell you this person should be Ronon).
Best Guy: John Sheppard. Take one look and you know he is. However, the elf ears aren't his strong point.
Person I'm most likely to end up with. (I'll let you hypothesize for a while). (Hint: it is someone that I have listed for another category).
Your Literary Junkophile.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
San Juan-ing
I was on vacation last week in the San Juan Islands. It was so much fun. The islands aren't very populated so there is still a lot of natural wildlife around. (If you don't know, the San Juans are up in the Puget Sound.) I saw a number of different animals.
The most exciting thing we saw was bald eagles. We saw them a number of different times, both flying and landing in trees. They are really very majestic and beautiful creatures. One morning an eagle sat for about an hour and a half on this one tree. Just sitting there and looking around. He finally went off and caught a fish. It was so exciting.
We also saw bunny rabbits. I know this isn't really that exciting, but they are everywhere on the islands. Very cute and fluffy. They are considered pests.
We saw seals everywhere. When you ferry and when you kayak you see them come up and look at you. They are harbor seals and not very cute, but still wild and exciting to see.
We had a number of chances to go tide pooling so we saw lots of those sorts of creatures. I got a number of wonderful pictures of huge purple sea stars.
On the day we left my mom and I went for an early morning kayak trip. I was hoping to saw my otters one last time, but apparently they had already left for the morning. But on the way back we did see some jelly fish. They were box jelly fish. (Yes, these are the kind that sting you, but we were careful). They were all over the bay just floating. It was really cool to see them in the wild. I have seen lots of jelly fish in aquariums, but you really can't compare that to seeing them in there natural habitat.
This really doesn't count as an animal, but we also saw a red tide (an over growth of algae) when we were sailing. I was surprised at how red it can actually get. It looked like God had washed a very large red paint brush off in the ocean.
My favorite animal we saw was the river otters. Yes, these river otters live in the ocean. Please don't let them know that they aren't really sea otters. There was a den of them right by the place we stayed on Lopez Island (aka Slowpez). One night we were outside and we saw one otter run right across the road and into the driveway of the house we were staying at. We were within about 20 feet and we got a really good look at him. He was so cute and looked just like I imagined an otter would look like in the wild. He was obviously very curious about what was around him and was taking his time checking everything out. So that meant we got to see him very well. After that he went back into the water of the bay. Maddy and I went down and got in the kayaks and were able to get a very good look at him in the water. He was diving down to get food and then he would come back up and lie on his back and eat it. We would paddle closer why he was under water and then stop paddling when he was eating. In this fashion we were able to get within 10 feet of him, before the otter noticed us and swam off.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: Did you know that the San Juan islands and surrounding area are the marshmallow capital of the country.
Amendment 2: I had a wonderful time on vacation, my family is already planning to go back next year.
Amendment 3: Don't be surprised if I one day live on the Islands.
Amendment 4: I love sailing.
Amendment 5: I want a sailboat.