Well, in a week from today I will be done with my first year of undergrad. In some ways I can't wait to be done. I really need some sleep time, but summer is one to the saddest parts of my year. I really prefer to be involved in some school work. But still I will be relieved to finish up this year. Now get ready for some sad and slightly sappy ruminations.
I went to the homeschool graduation on Monday night and I ran into not just old friends but also some mixed emotions. After the program I got a plate of food and then started to look around for someone I knew. Everywhere I turned was a new face, someone that I had never known from my days of homeschool group.
As I looked around I say many children that in my glory days were the babies and now they were in grade school. The people that I had grown up with were in college, had jobs, or were simply gone out of my life. I was from the group that hadn't had our "fair" in the sanctuary but with our toes on the fowl line in the gym. The most popular fad toy was the eyeball popper and to jump rope well was the coolest thing you could do.
Well, things are certainly changed and I'm not sure if it is for the better or worse, but I guess it really doesn't matter. The most simple fact of life is that it changes and most of time we are just along for the ride. So while I may think back to the days filled with jump rope, eyeball poppers, and songs about gooey ducks, what matters is that I'm about to finish my first year of college and that my life is, like it has for the last 18 years, changing.
Your Sappy and Heartful Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: I'm afraid that after reading that last paragraph over I am becoming as emotional as my mother.
Amendment 2: But I suppose that everyone needs to have the occasional emotional moment.
Amendment 3: Logic is wonderful, but there is something to be said to occasionally becoming emotional about something.
I’m Free!
13 years ago