I don't know why I haven't felt like blogging in the past few months, well maybe I do, but its kind of a long story. I am back at school, back into the routine of life. Classes, homework, working out, friend time, sleep, rinse and repeat. Not to say that anything about that is bad.
This school year is turning into a very interesting one. My classes are fascinating; for the first time every single class I am in is something I enjoy. From History of World Christianity to Biochemistry to Lifeguard training. I have less free time than I had last year (if that is even possible) but I don't really care. I pride myself on finding that fine line between complete insanity and the appearance of insanity.
It is also strange to be back on campus without a few people of note. Having people gone means learning to trust and depend on different people, but it also means a chance to get to know other people at a deeper level.
I’m Free!
13 years ago