Monday, October 26, 2009

Random People

Ever had one of those days when you are missing someone and you just want to be with them? Well, I'm having one today, so I thought I would write a blog about some of those people that I really miss a lot. This is just a random selection of the people back home. It isn't really even based off of who I'm closest to, just who comes to mind right now for some wacky reasons.

My sister. So this should be obvious. My sister is like my other half. The half I fight with, hug, and get mad at for no reason. She is also the one that comes into my room late at night to talk and doesn't leave until early in the morning. She is also the main reason I have friends at college, since I would never have been anything close to social if she didn't make me. Thanks Sis! I would not be where I am today without you.

Becca and Rachel. Yes, I'm going to combine them, just because I almost always hang out with both at the same time. Becca is so funny. I love how quirky she is. Your mad drawing skills amaze me. Rachel is also funny, and I love how she teases her sisters without them even noticing.

My Dad. I miss just sitting in the living room with him not talking, just sitting. Maybe we will talk about important stuff, but just hanging out with one of heroes is a blast. I love being able to ask my dad any question about politics or history and him having an opinion whether he knows about the subject or not! Your lectures are famous dad! Maddy and I have learned never to get you started after 11pm because we would never get to bed.

Dewey (my pastor). Dewey is probably the funniest pastor I have ever met. His sermons are without a doubt the best ever. I have never met someone that can speak for three weeks on one word! Germaphobe though he is, I never get tired of his high-fives.

Mariah. I miss just sitting on the couch and laughing with her. Yes, she can be inflammatory at times, but someone that speaks her mind isn't that easy to come by, so I guess I'll keep her around.

So that is random smattering of people that I'm missing. There are lots more. People like mom, Christie, Nana, my dog, Britt, Katie, Charlie. But this will have to do for now.



Friday, October 23, 2009

Hit the Ground and Run

This semester really is flying by. I am now half way done, which means I'm a quarter of the way done with the year. I still miss being home a lot, but school really is home now. It is still strange to be happy in a place that is 900 miles from my family, but I suppose that is life. A series of adjustments.

Classes are going well. I'm still very busy with everything. Finally this week I finished a project I had been working on for the pre-health club, which I am an officer in. We went to a conference a few weeks back, and as the treasurer I had some bookkeeping things to do afterward. But I'm finally done with that minor headache.

It seems like I have been learning a lot lately about being a good leader. This summer with co-leading youth group, and now with the pre-health club and my ECD club. I can see that my leadership skills need some honing and practice. Being in charge is tough, and sometimes down right painful. I do enjoy it though. Having the ability to actually change a situation you don't like or agree with is a very satisfying position to be in. I'm learning to balance my show of confidence, (something important for a leader, and easy for me) with knowing when to ask for help and advice isn't always easy, but I think I'm getting better at it.

I have the first ECD club meeting on November 3rd. I'm very excited and a little nervous. I have no idea how many people will show up. We might have 20 people who have never danced before show up. That is a scary thought, trying to teach 20 new people how to dance at once. I will need to put some planning into the first event, and some thought into what dances I want to teach. I know I will do Marie's Wedding because I already have a request for it, and it is really simple, but oh so fun.

Next week a very exciting event is happening on my campus. Humans vs. Zombies. Its a game that involves an original zombie turning the other players (humans) into zombies and then they can turn others into zombies. I think something like 80 people are playing. I am not one of them, however most of friends are and I am planning being on hand with a camera for all the events. As is I don't have enough blackmail pictures on them already. Did I mention that I got a new camera for my birthday? Well I did. I should take a picture of it with my old camera and post it on FB it is really very cute and little with a measly 10 mega pixels.



Amendment 1: Fugacity is my word of the week. It is similar to pressure but is used for a real gas. It is defined as the limit as P goes to 0 then f equals P.

Amendment 2: I will be home in about four weeks. I can't wait to see you all!

Amendment 3: For my PE class this week I had to write down all the things I was doing this semester and then come up with a plan so I wouldn't get to stressed about it. I wasn't all that stressed until I wrote down exactly what I am doing this semester. Now that I KNOW I don't have time for everything, it suddenly seems so much worse than when I was just doing it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

How do I take my foot off the accelerator?

I just finished week seven of my first semester of junior year! I'm almost half way through the semester, and all I want right now is for things to slow down. I spend about 30 hours in class a week, and then another forty-fifty hours on homework a week. Somewhere I have to fit in sleep and meals, plus social time. Sometimes it seems that my life is one giant blur; one day fades into the next. All I want to do is yell "Stop". I love my life right now. I have wonderful friends. College is a wonderful place to be. I'm surrounded by the greatest profs. in the world. I would love to be able to take ever single class offered here. Well, maybe not all, but most. But life is flying by me.

I know its not going to get any better. Life only becomes more complicated and busy the older you become. This summer I take the MCAT and apply to medical schools. Hopefully, in less than two years I will be a medical student somewhere. Life goes on. I love the quote from the Lord of the Rings. "If you step onto the road, if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." Isn't life amazing? God has blessed me with so much, and I wish I had to enjoy every minute, but I guess I will just have to find my minutes between my classes, between study times, maybe on occasion over a meal (when I have time to eat :P), and in chapel.



Amendment 1: The sign on Sarah and I's door reads "Welcome to dragon country; mind the balrogs"

Amendment 2: Starting to get ready for the first official ECD club meeting a two weeks!

Amendment 3: For someone that doesn't know a thing about cars I really do like car analogies. My current favorite: if life is a highway it is sometimes necessary to pull over and check the map.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Six Weeks of Craziness

Six weeks of school! Six weeks! I can't believe it has already been six weeks! Ok, now I have that out of my system how about a nice long update.

School has been going well. I'm so busy that I'm starting to feel like I have no life but other than that I'm loving it. My classes are hard, especially p-chem, but very interesting. I had three exams this week and that was a little intense, but I survived (just barely) and now I have a four day weekend.

These last six weeks have been the most exhausting of my life. I feel like I have been going non-stop ever since arriving at school. I'm taking five classes, plus research, and running one club and helping run another. I'm also on the worship team at my church once a month. Life is crazy, but I love it.

Last weekend I had the opportunity to go up to UC Davis for a pre-medical conference. Though the weekend was very tiring, I had a wonderful time. The other officers and I put a lot of work into all the details and I was so glad that things went off mostly without any problems. I learned so much about the medical school admission process and I feel much more confident about applying this spring. I also feel encouraged that I can and will get into medical school. It is a competitive world, but I know I can do it. It was great to hear that grades and test scores aren't everything, and that I am doing a lot of things that will help me get in.

Even all the work was fun (at times). I'm the treasurer of the club, and I enjoy all of the money stuff. Wow, I can't believe I wrote that! I sound like an accountant. Most of the details worked out fine in the end. There were a few minor heart attack moments in the week leading up to the trip, and a few on the trip as well. But other than getting no sleep and being sick (not a good combination) it was a wonderful time.

This weekend I don't have much planned. Getting some sleep, a lot of sleep. Doing some homework, and going on a day hike on Monday. Monday also happens to be my birthday. I think my mom is sadder that I won't be home than I am. Twenty just doesn't feel like a big deal. I'm excited to go hiking and spend the day with my best Westmont friends.



Amendment 1: No, I am still not dating/courting anyone. So you can stop wondering.

Amendment 2: My favorite quote from my p-chem textbook. "Because researchers do not have access to an infinitely large water bath... " It sounds like they just ran out of funds to buy one.

Amendment 3: My second favorite quote from my p-chem book. "any well-behaved function can be expressed in analytical form" What is a well-behaved function? Or a better question how does a function misbehave?

Amendment 4: I feel like this entry was all over the place. But I'm so tired I don't even care.

Amendment 5: Maybe when I'm less tired tomorrow or Sunday I will write some more details.