Monday, March 30, 2009


Ok, I realize an update here is long overdue, for someone that claims to be an avid blogger. Right now my life is very busy. My school's oldest tradition is in full swing: Spring Sing (a musical skit competition between the houses). I'm not actually dancing in it but I am singing side mic. which means I will actually be heard by the audience Razz Then add in my normal crazy workload of classes and homework and you get a very hectic life schedule.

The other thing that is going on in my life is a flair up of arthritis again. I have psoritic arthritis for those of you that don't know. It is really similar to rheumatoid arthritis. This time it has come back in my hip, so I am once again on crutches. Unfortunately, this means that I will need to be treated with a different medication. The options aren't that good; all three types of medications carry some risk (mostly because they lower your immune response to work) and some possible risky side effects. I would really appreciate some prayer for wisdom for my doctor.

The really funny part about this whole arthritis thing is that many people on campus are under the impression that I am very accident prone. Last semester I was on crutches, earlier this semester I was wearing a sling (when my shoulder flared up) and now I'm on crutches again.

Its spring here in so I have been enjoying the sunny 75 degree weather. A far cry from the horrible weather some of you had hiking last weekend. I have already broken out my shorts and flip-flops. The advantages of going to school in southern CA.

Register for classes next fall is right around the corning. I'm hoping to be taking: thermodynamics, analytical chemistry, general biology II, Life and Literature of the New Testament, astrophysics, and ballroom dancing. It should be a busy and fun fall.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: Do you know that the Doppler Effect is why the sound of an ambulance coming toward you is different than one traveling away from you?

Amendment 2: My roommate laughed at me today for saying that the class I have added into my schedule next semester, purely for fun, is astrophysics. I don't think that was very nice of her.

Amendment 3: Am I crazy to major in Chemistry and minor in biology and physics?

Amendment 4: Why do we say "update" when we aren't talking about a direction or a meeting of two people (possibly for romantic reasons)?

Monday, March 23, 2009

How to know if you are spending too much time on Organic Chemistry

O-chem has ceased to be an activity and has become a verb. “Sorry, I don’t have time today; I’m o-chem-ing tonight.”

You can do reactions in your sleep.

Instead of just reading the label on food products you have an overwhelming desire to actually draw all of the chemicals listed.

You dream about your organic chemistry professor.

You find yourself talking about o-chem with people that aren’t even in chemistry classes.

You read your textbook more than your Bible.

Your reaction flashcards go everywhere with you; you are even considering making flashcards that are waterproof for the shower.

You start sentences about other classes with “unlike my o-chem. class…”

You try to relate everything in your other classes to organic chemistry.

You own a nerdy O-chem shirt.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Spring Break and back to school

Well, I'm back at school after a wonderfully delightful week at home. It wasn't an exactly relaxing break, but I had a really great time. I got to see all of my friends in someway, even if just at the ball. I was able to see Maddy's concert, and spend lots of time with my favorite little sis.

Even though my parents were working a lot of the time, thanks to tax season, I did get to spend some time with them.

Seeing Wicked was one of the highlights of the week. I have been listening to the music for over a year now, and to finally see the play was wonderful. I still have the music stuck in my head.

I was able to go to dance class on thursday night. It was so much fun to be back and to see Charlyn again. I had a great time learning some more dances, and paying particular attention to the callers, as that will be me, officially, next year, when I start my ECD club on campus. Right now I'm looking for people to the officers with me next year. And I will need lots of advice on picking more dance, music because right now I only own one ECD CD.

Going to the ball on saturday was the icing on the cake of spring break. It was nice to see everyone again, and even though I don't enjoy the process of getting dressed up, it feels wonderful to be dancing in costume. As usual the ball went late, and by the end I was standing on only one foot, because my silly psoriatic arthritis was acting up again. But it was still a great evening.

Now that I'm back at school, I have only 6 weeks left in the semester things are really picking up. I have lots of projects coming due, plus the normal homework, and studying. I think by the time the year is over I will be really ready for summer holiday, and to be with my family.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Amendment 1: I really should think about a name change for this blog, as it has now become just a general update on things in my life.

Amendment 2: I'll see you all in about two months!!!!!!!!11

Friday, March 6, 2009

Some Math Fun!

Ok, imagine you have won a spot on a game show. You are presented with 3 doors. Behind one there is a new car, but behind the other two are a goat. You pick, knowing you have a 33.33% chance on any door, door 1. Then the game show host shows you what is behind door number 3, a goat, and offers you a choice. You can pick again. Door 1 or 2. Do you stay with your original choice or do you change you answer and why? Yes, there is a mathematical reason.


Your Literary Junkophile.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Seriously, Who are we waiting for?"

Some times you just have to wonder, what were they thinking?

The Iowa House has approved a bill changing the name of the Department of Elder Affairs. If the legislation is signed by Gov. Chet Culver, the agency will be known as the Department of Aging -- or DOA.
~From the New York Times.

A couple drove 170 kilometres (100 miles) from South Africa's famous Kruger National Park with a highly venomous spitting cobra in their car, the Beeld newspaper reported on Wednesday.

MEDFORD, Ore. — An arsonist is on the prowl in Medford for green Ford Escorts from the 1990s.
~From Fox News

TOKYO — Japan now has so many people over 100 that it is cutting costs by reducing the size of silver cups it presents to those who reach that age.
~From Fox News

Say please' at U. S. border nets pepper spray. Canadian traveler says demand for politeness met with use of force
~From National Post


Your Literary Junkophile.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Safe in His hands...

I was reading the news this afternoon (Fox and Drudge Report are my first stops), as I normally do, when it stuck me just how scary our world is. How much fear, hate, sadness, violence and uncertainty we all have to live with. Here are the headlines that made me think of that:

Pilot Had Chance to Land Before Crashing F-18 Into California Neighborhood
Jurors in Vegas Toddler Sex Case Begin Deliberating
Body Found of Girl, 5, Trapped Inside Car That Sank in Frigid Colorado River
Gunmen Ambush Cricket Team in Pakistan, 7 Killed
U.S. Says Threat of Mexican Drug Cartels Approaching 'Crisis Proportions'
Social Workers Failed to Warn Foster Parents About Teen Who Abused Their Kids
Bali Kicks Off Yoga Festival Despite Muslim Fatwa
White House Knocks Jim Cramer For Calling Obama Budget "Greatest Wealth Destruction By a President"

We need to face the fact we live in a scary and sin filled world. A chapel speaker recently referred to the Original Sin as making us all "morally insane". It doesn't take a theologian to realize he is right, just a look at the news headlines. The world is morally insane. So the question comes up: What is a Christian to do? I can't personally stop the drug cartels in Mexico, make different religions get along with each other, solve the world hunger problem, or solve our economic problems. So what is a Christian to do? Do I have to accept my own inadequacy to solve the world's problems, do I have to learn to live with the sadness of knowing there are children perhaps in my home town that are being abused and forgotten? What is a Christian to do in a world that is filled with sadness and pain?

First, I would say that we need to remember that what we are going through is not new. Just a glance through the Old and New Testaments will find people that are filled with hurt and pain, some to the point of suicide. Yes, our world is a scary place, but it has been that way since the Original Sin. We many face different trials, but there have always been trials.

Second, as hard as it maybe at times we have to praise God. Read through any of the Psalms of David. David was a man that was deeply hurt, but through all of his suffering he always praised God, and thanked Him for what he did have.

Third,it may seem at times that God has abandoned His world. That He has thrown up His hands and given us and the world over to Satan. But if He really had done that then there would truly be nothing good left in the world. All beauty and goodness come from God, so if you can find even one small thing that is good in this world then God has not abandoned us.

Fourth, ask God to make His pain your pain. I truly believe that God is heart broken by the horrible things that go on in the world. He has promised to love us, and when someone you love is hurt it can be more painful than if you yourself were hurt. In a world of so much hurt, it can be easy to turn your back on that pain, and ignore it, but if God doesn't stop feeling the pain why should His followers?

Fifth, understand that God fills us to be emptied again. I don't mean that God will ever take His love away from us. But that Christians are not an exception to the pain of the world. Just like everyone else in the world we get sick, we feel immense pain, and we die. Whatever happiness you feel right now will sooner or later be changed to grief and heartbreak.

Finally, know that life here is temporary. Heaven is promised to be a place without pain and sickness, but instead eternity with God. Whatever your life on earth has brought you heaven will be so much better. Life without pain and suffering, as God intended life to be. Clearly, Christians are not helpless, there is much work to be done, and an eternal life to look forward to.


Your Literary Junkophile.

This has become one of my favorite songs and applies nicely to this blog post.