I'm afraid I have very little to report. Life goes on. I am settling in back at school and am now almost caught up in all my classes. I still need to make up an O-chem lab, but I won't do that until next week.
Next week is going to be very busy. Physics exam on Monday, paper due on Wednesday, and o-chem exam on Friday. Plus Friday is Halloween and my school is having a dance that I will be going to. I won't be doing any dancing as I am still on crutches. I believe I will go as a pirate as the other things I have considered do not lend themselves well to crutches.
The really odd thing about going to school in southern California is the heat. When I was home on break it was nice and cool. What I would consider Autumn weather. But here it is still in the 80s. I hope that by thanksgiving it will have cooled off a little. I just doesn't seem like fall with out the weather change. And it certainly won't seem like the holiday season if it is still the high 70s low 80s.
Your Literary Junkophile.
Amendment 1: If you want to know how stressed you are just multiply your elastic modulus by your strain.
Amendment 2: that was physics by the way.
Amendment 3: A practical joke I want to try at some point: put a spinning fly wheel in a suitcase and tell someone to walk around a corner.
I’m Free!
13 years ago